Chapter 20

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

Tae was the first to excuse himself from the table.

Tee grabbed his wrist.

"Since I did not get the chance to treat you to dinner because we both got invited to Dome's father's birthday celebration, would you like to take a raincheck?" Tee asked, his face looking hopeful.

"Of course," Tae replied with a smile, although the smile did not quite reach his eyes.

Tee stayed a while longer, chatting with Pavel and occasionally with Dome. He also tried to make conversation with the birthday celebrant, Mr. Woranart.

Soon all the delicious food was eaten and Mr. Woranart asked if anyone wanted a second serving, but everyone declined.

"Then I guess it's time to call it a day." said Mr. Woranart.

Everyone chorused in greeting him a happy birthday once more.

"Are you sure you're sober enough to drive home safely?" Tee asked Dome, noticing that his eyes were just a little bit droopy and his walk was a bit wobbly.

"Ride with your mother and me, son," Mr. Woranart said. "I will drive you home."

"Oh no, no, no," Pavel immediately protested. "I will take him in my SUV. I am renting a studio in his building."

"Oh!" Mrs. Woranart exclaimed, staring at Pavel wide eyed but not saying a single word further.

Pavel blushed knowing the possible scenarios that might be going on in Dome's mother's mind.

"Mom, I promise there's nothing going on between Pavel and me ... " Dome was starting to say when Tee interrupted with, "But you just introduced Pavel as your boyfriend earlier!"

Before Dome could say another word, Pavel clapped his hand over Dome's mouth.

"What Dome meant to say was that we're not sleeping together," Pavel explained to Mrs. Woranart and to Tee. "And he still treats me as a client so I still faithfully pay my monthly dues."

"Don't worry, I wasn't assuming anything," Mrs. Woranart said with a sheepish smile.

Tee winked at Dome's mom and it made her blush a little bit. Tee seemed to be telling her "Naughty, naughty" with his eyes.

"Let's go then," Mr. Woranart took his wife by the hand and led her towards the door of the restaurant. "Seems like our son is in good hands."

Two uniformed waiters stood by the door and bowed politely and said their thanks to the small departing party.

"I'll see you at work on Monday then," Tee said to Pavel before walking towards his own car.

"Yes, sir," Pavel said.

"Tee," Tee corrected him.

"Okay, Tee," Pavel bowed to his boss before placing his arm around Dome's waist and leading him to his SUV.

"Tsk, tsk," Pavel said to Dome as he maneuvered his SUV out of the restaurant parking lot. "You drank a little too much chardonnay tonight. Trying to drown one's sorrow with alcohol is never a wise thing to do."

"I wasn't trying to drown my sorrow with alcohol," Dome mumbled, trying to deny Pavel's accusation. "I was helping my father celebrate his birthday."

"Sure," Pavel said with a smirk as he narrowly avoided another SUV who was trying to get into his lane.

Pavel honked angrily at the reckless motorist. The motorist honked backed and raised his middle finger at Pavel.

"Up yours too!" Pavel yelled at him.

"Hey, don't get into a road rage now," Dome admonished Pavel. "Always assume that the other guy has a gun that he might use on you."

"Sorry," Pavel said. "I forgot that I had a passenger."

"Sure, I'm just a passenger," Dome said with a smirk.

"No of course not. You are my boyfriend, remember?" Pavel countered.

"Sweetheart?" Pavel addressed Dome when Dome did not respond.

Pavel took his eyes off the road for a quick second to glance at Dome.

Shit he had fallen asleep against the car window.

Pavel turned into the building driveway leading to the basement parking lot. He parked his SUV in his allotted spot and got out of his SUV. Then he walked over to the passenger side and opened the door.

Dome fell sideways into Pavel's waiting arms.

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