Chapter 25

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Pavel's POV

"Good morning, Alice!" I said with a bright smile as I clocked into the machine that was right beside her desk.

"Good morning, Pavel!" she responded. "How was your weekend?"

"Very eventful but I decline to talk about it," I warned her because I wasn't really inclined to talk about the kiss that Dome and I shared inside my SUV. It was too precious and personal for me to share with anyone.

"Is our big boss in his office already?" I asked to distract her from the topic.

"No," she replied. "And I am actually a bit concerned because Tee is usually in his office before eight and if he's going to be late, he usually calls me to let me know that he will be late."

I glanced at the wall clock behind Alice. It was five after eight.

"He's probably just stuck in traffic," I remarked.

"Probably," she responded, "but if by eight thirty he's not here yet, I'm gonna give him a call."

"Good idea," I said as I started walking towards my cubicle.

By eight thirty, Alice called my extension.

"He picked up my call but he sounded very weak," Alice informed me. "He mentioned that he was suffering from a migraine. He has never suffered from migraine before so I'm really concerned. I offered to go and buy him some strong pain pills and bring it over to him but he said to wait until my lunch break."

"How about I go to the pharmacy during lunch break," I offered. "Just stay here and mind the store while I take charge of your duty to your boss."

"But you don't know where he lives," Alice pointed out.

"Will it bother him if you were to give me his address?" I asked her.

"Let me ask him right now," Alice said, hanging up on me to call Tee.

After a few minutes, she called me again.

"Hey," she said. "Tee says that if you're the one that's gonna go and buy the pain pills and deliver them to him, you might as well go ahead and do it now."

"Ok, please text me his address," I said.

I quickly drove to the nearest pharmacy and went straight to the aisle where the pain medications could be found.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around to see Tae holding a bottle of anti allergy pills.

"Why are you not at work?" he asked.

"I'm actually working," I explained.

When he raised his eyebrow at me, I continued, "I'm here to buy some strong pain medications for Tee because he is suffering from migraine right now and cannot come to work because of it."

"Oh, really?" Tae's voice sounded concerned. "Would you like me to bring the pills to his house so that you can go back to work?"

"Um ... let me call him first to see if he's okay with that idea," I said.

"Sure," he replied.

"Tee," I said when Tee took my call. "I'm at the pharmacy right now and I happened to bump into Tae who came to buy some anti allergy pills. He's offering to bring the pain medication to you so that I can go back and attend to my work."

"If it's not a big bother for him," Tae said weakly. "Go ahead and give him my address."

"Okay, I will," I said.

=      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =

Third Person POV

Tae took the bottle of pain pills from Pavel and paid for them at the checkout counter.

Then he placed Tee's address into his GPS and drove according to its directions.

Tee's residence was an unpretentious bungalow located in the outskirts of the city and situated on a quiet tree lined avenue.

Tee slowly got up from his bed, holding on to the side of his head and walked to his front door when he heard the buzzer.

Tee weakly opened the door, his head throbbing painfully. Then his surroundings dimmed and Tae reached out just in time to keep Tee from falling.

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