Chapter 1: Star Dust

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Chapter Notes:
Ahh more Robin thoughts on their situation and Al-an trying to return the favor.

Also known as Al-an is a brooding boy and Robin can't see a bad pick up line if it slapped her in the face.


The first few days were the hardest, only after they breach the atmosphere they realize Al-an was too weak to launch the ship into hyperdrive as he had previously, it would be days before they would reach another planet...this didn't bother Robin in the least.

It was but a small kink in the weave of her plans, plans that never involved letting Al-an waste his energy speeding them across the universe in the first place, it would be irrational as they hardly knew if the random planet they chose on a whim, would offer any fruitious information or substantial breakthroughs.

Robin was reckless, not stupid.

Still this inability seemed to distress her companion quite a bit, Al-an brooded for days in the form of quietly moping, Robin left him to his own deviances, allowing him space to reign in his sporadic emotions, yet she always made herself available should he look to seek her out, which she had no doubt he would..eventually

In the meantime Robin had taken to walking the ship and exploring the rooms and halls she never had thought to on their first voyage, when Al-an entered his odd energy saving state of passive consciousness, she would occupy her restless mind by scanning and examining what many relics Al-an had pilfered from planet 4546B and his home world.

She had no knowledge the ship harbored a self sustainable botanical garden, Robin was excited she hadn't had a chance to scan much of the fauna or plant life, more pressing matters took priority, unfortunately the door is sealed by a green shield..unlocking it would require a green tablet, Robin hated tablets at this point, what was with architects and god damn color coded tablets?!

"Ugh, I guess I'll ask him about it when he wakes up." She mumbled, staring longingly at the exotic plants through the glass, the dim light of the stars above the room casts a pale luminous that was breathtaking in an unearthly way..

Her gaze drifts to the starry sky above as she strolls through the dark halls, cold twinkling specks of light,
Al-an kept the walls mostly translucent on par with her request, allowing for huge stretches of the ship to seem as if it simply wasn't there, initially she was thrilled to be able to see space as if she herself were floating through it, but eventually the undisturbed emptiness of it all started to bother her, usually when she was alone...

The inexplicable anxiety that gripped her was hard to understand, yet rooted, she often found herself counting the hours until her companion arose from his distant sleep like trance.

Quickly her PDA became a glorified clock and entertainment device, it was merely a week in and she already felt the insistent tug of restlessness, how long till they developed cabin fever, the thought of more paranoid architect forces a small snort from her chest as she enters the navigation room..

Al-an sits motionless in the center of the room, dim eyeless face slightly tilted upward as his claws rest protectively cradled against his chest, while his deer like legs poised elegantly in front of him, almost like one of Egypt's ancient sphinx statues, Robin suspected there may have been a connection there, she was also curious as to why the architect's held their arms like that, she had seen him extend them, even carry heavy objects, Robin didn't doubt they held almost as much dexterity as human hands, yet he seldom idled with them down, instinctively curling or folding them close...

She would ask about that too, hm, Robin seemed to be adding to the list of things to inquire about a lot lately, no doubt she'd soon have the architect on an examination was only a matter of time...

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