Chapter 3: Safety protocols

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A conversation regarding safety protocols side rails into a much more interesting topic.

In short Robin has alot to chew on...


Preparation for exploration was always serious business, Robin was glad Al-an took it just as serious as she did, they knew virtually nothing about the planet outside of the excessive poisonous yet non lethal gases that clouded most of its surface, there was little talk outside of precautionary confirmation and inquiries, there was a tense rhythm to their cold methodology, there was not room for banter or pleasantries as they tested equipment that could ultimately be their only lifeline if shit when south end.

Only when most of the tech and equipment was looked over, and was indeed confirmed to be in working order did she finally take a break, yet the burden of preparation wasn't off her shoulders yet, in fact the hardest part was likely to come, she had one more task to take care of and frankly she knew it would be a doozy...

Her eyes drift over to her companion, he looked much better, and while his ability to use his external arms had yet to come back, she had noticed him using small speed warps to flutter about, yet he hardly did it around her, she was certain he didn't want to get chewed out again like last time she caught him doing it, still the fact that he was fastly recovering and it pleased her deeply.

He needed to stay that way, the alien had somehow become very important to her, it's a funny memory that once she wanted the architect out of her head and now she missed his inquisitive presence,she had become used to him.. like a weight of comfort against her back was torn away and now she felt incomplete, the thought of him getting harmed was..unacceptable.

Which is why she needed to make this clear before they set foot anywhere.

Immediately she snares his attention with her proximity as she walks up beside him,
"Ok, listen up Al-an, and I want you to listen closely" Robin reached up and grabbed the Architect by each side of his face to bring them closer to eye level, her companion kneeled easily to her will, tilting his head curiously at her no nonsense tone.

"We go in, split up, scope the place out and meet back here as fast as possible, if anything happens we use the flare!, and only the flair. no, Al-an do not engage any, and i mean any threats to ensure my safety, if the worse comes, I want you and i to run like those cowardly humans did in the show we watched last night"

Robin set down the rules quickly, unlike on planet 4546B the duo had little to no idea what awaited them when they landed, only a dim signal letting them know that an aged architect-like facility may have been stationed there once.

They couldn't afford to be reckless, already she could feel the thrum of energy coursing through her companion's frame, the static humming in their touch as they placed their claws over the hands on their face, mirroring her actions, Al-an was just as anxious as she was.

"Yet most of them were forced to play out mock death scenarios as a result of their rash cowardice, while i recognize this is a purely fictional and exaggerated for your specie's enjoyment, I must stress that realistically speaking, fleeing a potential predator may trigger it's hunting instincts and urge it to pursue you, and this should be avoided first and foremost"

Al-an pointed out, she didn't need a bond to know that the architect didn't like the plan, she could hear it in his words, he wasn't humanizing as time when on, it was as if the longer the two stayed within proximity the more in synch they became, the apathetic disposition that had clouded the alien was becoming easier to peer through, it seemed the other way around as well. At least to Robin..

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