Chapter 6: Of Sacrifice And Sleeping Stars

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Our cast finally lands on Adelphi the red planet!
The truth behind the signal is at their finger tips but will they be able to handle the truth?

More importantly will they make it two steps without bickering or coddling each other!


The first thing she experiences as they exit the ship is Adelphi 655's sun, momentarily Robin finds herself blinded by it's bright pink light, her vision unused to any solar light outside of the stringently protected windows of the architect ship, and the familiar biolights of her faithful architect companion.

But for once beside her Al-an's lights are heavily outshined by the light around them, demurring their bioluminescent glow and allowing her to witness the elegant streaks of pale turquoise and lavender markings meticulously engraved against the dark skin of his hard carapace.

The bright rays seeped into her suit and with it a welcoming heat, a stark contrast of to the constant cool air of the ship, it had been so long since she felt the simple heat of an environment, the predecessor's home planet was far from warm, with its harsh frigid winds and icy nights, but Al-an assured her it was simply a cold season.

And planet 4546B was an ice box, well at least the region where she had crash landed, the point was it had been far too long since her skin had the luxury of feeling natural heat, she could get used to this...

Adelphi was a breathtaking planet, muted pink skies, large dunes of dark maroon sand pooled around the shore, the translucent granules crunched beneath her weight of her steps as if it were crisp thin ice, beyond that the water rushed ashore with a abnormal sluggishness, its surface almost black metallic, reflecting the sky's face like a rippling mirror, as beautiful as it was it felt somehow ominous,
Its currents unnatural as if something large was skimming just lengths beneath the surface..

The ocean itself dwarfed the planet's land terrain, even from space they could see Adelphi was at least 70% Liquid substance based, it wouldn't be far fetched to hypothesize that most of the planet's large indigenous fauna thrived under the planet's surface as aquatic life.

Immediately Al-an deemed the water potentially hazardous, alarting her of high levels of mercury and caustically high saline elements, it would be suicide for a human to drive in, not without highly enforced diving equipment, it was times like this Robin hated that she hadn't thought to bring the prong suit or her sea truck, to be fair she hadn't even realized just how big the ship was from the outside..

"I sense multiple lifeform signatures within this body of substance, there seems to be a thick layer of brine covering the surface prohibiting a stable reading, I suggest we collect samples after we complete our investigation" Al-an assessed as he carefully glanced over the large body of water lazily lapping at the shore beside them.

"I'll handle that, I'll also grab some plant life samples on our way back, so we can run some tests when we get back, see if there's any signs of the bacterium active within their cells" Robin called off.

"Whether or not the bacteria is present as of now we will still deploy the vaccine as a preventative measure to ensure any stray traces don't manage to make contact with this environment, even if we are immune there is still the potential risk of our mere presence contaminating the ecosystem" Al-an notes, which was true, the architects had failed to prevent the spreading of the Khaara bacterium despite all their strict measures and precautions, the only edge they had was inoculation, and still that didn't mean they weren't possibly contiguous to untreated environments.

 ASAAPS #2: Planet Adelphi 655 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora