Chapter 13: In Good Compeny

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Robin puzzles what happened between her and her favorite architect the previous night, but she can't hide within the safety of her room forever, so in a pinch she attempts to implement preventative barriers, ones Al-an decidedly seeks to sabotage.

Meanwhile our bumbling researchers are tasked with reigning in a apprehensive and hesitant Ryley and deploying a planet purifying prob all the while attempting to dance around the elephant in the room.


Sleep was a circuitous journey for Robin, for hours the night's events plagued her shallow sleep, phantom claws digging tauntingly into the pliant flesh of her hips, the whisper of the architect's soft and patient voice filling her sleeping mind...

One too many times Robin awoke her body smoldering hot and illogically ravenous, the sheets too heavy and smothering, hours were wasted staring up curiously at the ceiling, her brain desperately trying to avoid the darker thoughts hellbent on taking root.

Many times her mind asked a forbidden question, what would have happened had she not fled her companion's snare the night prior...?

Had she allowed him to continue begging in her ear, in truth..Robin wanted a lot of things in the heat of that moment, his curious touch, she wanted to be pinned down, to feel him shudder against her as he pressed into her-"

"Oh for god fucking sakes, Im screwed.." Robin whined miserably hiding her flush face within her palms, shielding her shame from no one in particular.

One too many times she considered maybe just rubbing a quick one out, but was it okay to sexualize her companion in such a way?

No. No it was not, she would not use Al-an in such a way, even if he wasn't aware she was doing it.. Robin huffed with frustration, it felt like she was doused in alcohol, sensitive and yearning for something she wasn't even certain really wanted...

Was this what being a horny teenager felt like..?

As an introvert, Robin felt proud she had avoided the whole ceramonious horny teen phase, she liked to think herself above her hormones...but tonight her hormones had something to say back regarding the subject, and they weren't happy with her lack of sexual fulfilment in the passed year..not at all.

Was she desperate..she wasn't was she!?

"Ugh!" Robin threw her pillow at the ceiling in stifled frustration, running shaky fingers through her hair as she glared up at nothing in Particular.

If only Sam was there to offer advice, she'd know exactly what to say to get her head on straight..she was always more say she missed her sister was an understatement...

Okay! She could do this, she just needed some self control, it's not like she's going to jump her architect companion the moment she saw him next morning...would Al-an even consider her a worthy mate, could he even consider her that way?

Okay so maybe she was thinking too deep into this... 'ugh..'

There was too much to do, she could not be so distracted..Robin groaned tiredly and closed her eyes willing herself to sleep, yet still Al-an's words haunted her dreams, when he admitted he thought she would be popular among his kind... was her companion including himself as well..? The thought brought heat to her face..

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