Chapter 14: Into The Stars

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It's time to leave, Robin and Al-an prepare to depart, but after a interesting morning Robin is forced to consider some truths about herself and where exactly she sees their friendship going.

Meanwhile Ryley makes some hasty attempts to rectify his fin issue.

AN: (Trigger warning: for self harm)

Chapter's main theme song:


This time when Robin wakes she doesn't waste time lingering about her room, she quickly throws on a sports tank top and shorts before she plucks up her drone, only to hesitate noticing for the fifth time the little mechanical creature was tangled in what looked to be her bed's stuffing..

"Hm...You'd better not be burrowing holes into my mattress." Robin warned suspicious now, Al-an's less than coy admission about the drone's uncanny knack for finding mischief echoing fresh within her mind, carefully she studied the little drone.

But it of course always looked a little guilty so she'd never know until she searched the place, this was something she quickly vowed to do, but later...

Robin wanted to see Al-an, the urgency she felt was just as confusing to her as the impulse to flee when her companion had admitted he hadn't minded in the least when she had accidentally kissed him..

Was his admission a request for another..or simply assuring her that he would not be distressed if she happened to do it again..?

Wasn't that the same thing?!?!?

The whole thought process had her brain bending backwards and her face fifty shades flusher then it should have been..

No she wouldn't think about that..not right now at least..

She sets her little companion down, turning to leave far too swiftly to notice the small drone begin to causally burrow into the side of her bed's frame.

When Robin steps out of her room she's surprised she has to squint, everything is sunny and bright!

The ceiling is once again transparent, allowing the twin pink Sun's rays to fill the hall with maroon sunbeams, it bounces off the black obsidian hull and almost glows.

It's very beautiful and warm, part of her longs to settle down within the beam of a stray sun ray and bask in its warmth for an hour or two, but she doesn't, instead she slowly makes her way down the sunlit corridor until she finds the navigational wing.

She does not expect to find her companion fast asleep again, yet strangely enough this is exactly what she finds.

The walls have fallen away in there as well, revealing a breathtaking view of a now pale ocean, its pearly waves reflecting the pink suns, a sandy beach and the face of the dark maroon wooded forest ahead of the ship.

There wasn't a thing the light didn't touch within the room, Al-an must have been surveying the area throughout the night and at some point had fallen to sleep.

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