Chapter 7: As The World Caves In

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"I am partially unfamiliar with that term, please elaborate as to what a stud is Robin" Al-an inquired tentatively.


You can only go so far up before you have to fall back down :')

Please consider listening to the the song while reading this it is the theme of this chapter


Having fallen asleep in the position she had against her Architect the night previously, Robin was subconsciously resigned to the expectation of one hell of a back ache when she awoke the next morning.

However when her dark lashes did part to take in the dim facility's green glow, and not the dreary forest she had fallen asleep watching, Robin found her back felt just fine and furthermore she was no longer resting atop the architect's legs but against Al-an's back.

Groggily she pats the side of her companion, the growl she receives tells Robin her architect is awake, which frankly was predictable even if she knew he was technically weaker than his prime, but weak was again a fickle term for an architect.

"Good morning Robin, please use caution when descending" Al-an trills distractedly, but a vibrant ripple of green shows he was still no doubt pleased she was awake.

"Mornin big guy, thanks for moving us, I don't think my old back would have survived that position all night!"

"I suspect your back would have survived this ordeal, as you are still considered to be in your prime Robin, however i took the precaution of rotating your body twenty-three times throughout your slumber to ensure balanced blood distribution and pressure, you should feel fine if my calculations proved efficient.."

"Oh wow..I didn't even feel that, but now that you mention it my back's feeling pretty good are the architects?"

"They are still stable, however I have prepared them for emergency evacuation, the data hub wouldn't last much longer as the facility has already been partially consumed by water.."

"Con...What?" Quickly Robin looked down only for her eyes to widen in shock, for starters she was much higher then she initially assumed, thank god she hadn't tried to slip off his back like she usually had as her architect was perched precariously atop one of the data terminals not unlike a cat resting against a tree branch.

Robin didn't have to ask the architect why he had suddenly decided to up and play cat and metaphorically climb metal trees as the moment her eyes darted to gage the distance between them and the floor the words died in her mouth.

Below them the terminal around them was flooded up to what looked to be waist deep with Simi clear water, she could see the precursor drones floating atop the floodwater like earth's european raft spiders, it would be comical had the fear of the bacterium not but nipping at her nerves.

"Holy shit..was this all the rain?!"

"Mostly, the downpour became quite aggressive last night, however i believe this is also partly due to escalated water levels, I sense faint traces of mercury in its body"

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