Chapter 2: Lean On Me

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Robin banters with her favorite Architect and finally gets around to examining those claws, while Al-an gets a little caught up in his own thoughts.

Al-an's pov will be a novelty ( not often)



The days following the star's death were a blur of colors and fleeting contact, Al-an was elusive intent on following through with his promise on preparing the stardust, unfortunately a process that he deemed an unsafe workspace for humans.

Robin never thought herself clingy or even a remotely social person by any standards, the extrovert was always Sam and she the reclusive she found herself counting the minutes til her friend returned to her, at least the feeling felt mutual, she was the first thing the architect searched for when he left the neutralization chambers..

On days both their schedules aligned and the two would accompany each other during their daily ship maintenance and assessments, anything to stave off loneliness, today was such a day.

"I'm surprised how efficient you are at hunting without my aid" Al-an praised as he assessed the resource stores, taking inventory of the materials Robin had collected...or hoarded before their departure.

"Yea I used to train for outdoor survival in my free time back on earth, and it's not like you helped me that much with hunting back on planet 4546B besides pointing out what was poisonous and what not, why wouldn't you think me capable?" Robin huffed only mildly offended.

"Back on planet 4546B, I wasn't able to assist you physically, however I am available to do so now and I urge you to use my presence to your benefit Robin, the same way you benefit me."

"I benefit you...?"

"Yes, your impulsive nature and reckless actions more often than not reassures me why I should not strive to be more like you." Al-an answered too fast for her to even consider the architect was lying.

"Wow rude! And just how would you aid me on hunting expeditions, hurts to admit this but you're a little big and imposing no offense Al-an" she leaned against the wall, crossing her arms as she awaited an explanation.

"Our tracking skills are superior to that of your race it is how I located you when you were displaced, not only are we capable of detecting the presence of most organic lifeforms in our moderate vicinity, but we have also developed the ability to camouflage and utilize mild mesmer"
Al-an explained restocking the supply crate and moving on to the next.

"Wait so you can mesmerize people with those.!?" Robin asked tracing a streak of dim green light coursing up their arm with her finger.

"Yes, do not request to be exposed to it, unless measured accurately the mental onslaught may result in a critical condition most commonly associated as brain death by your species, while im confident it would not be the case, without proper calculations I would not risk harming you" The architect fixed her in their gaze as if they knew what she would have asked.

"Oh.. Wow ok let's not try that" Robin cringed imagining all the ways that could go wrong, the thought made her feel sick. " So..back when I was attacked by that creature you tracked me down?" She couldn't stop the shiver the courses up her spin at the memory of the blooded gnarled metal appendages inches from her helmet.

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