Chapter Eleven

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Isabella's pov;

"How was it yesterday?" Sophia inquired about me like she was interested to know what happened last night.

"I rejected him." Said while moving the benches to the one side of the class.

When I looked at her expression, she seemed like she wasn't curious anymore. I let out a sigh and continued moving the benches.

"Who rejected who?" Evelyn asked while she came back after moving the tables along with Liam.

I answered, "Sophia introduced a guy to me last night and I rejected as always."

Liam, "Sophia, why did you do that? You know that I like Bella, right? Why did you betray me? If you wanted Bella to have a boyfriend, you should have helped me and not some random guy you know. Aren't you my friend?"

I laughed and said to Liam, "Stop arguing with her and go clear the papers over there."

"Why are you shouting at me?"

"Darling, can you please clear those papers for me?"

"Darling, eh?" He gave a flying kiss and left.

After Liam left, Evelyn asked me, "Why are you giving hope to people around you? Liam, Sophia... About Sophia, If you take Sophia's side like this every time, people will think you like her."

"Yeah, I like her. What's wrong with that? Is it wrong to like my best friend?" I wrapped my hands over Sophia's shoulder.

Evelyn said to Sophia, "She's dumb." And left.

Sophia nodded her head and said, "Yeah, she is."

I asked Sophia, "What do you mean I'm dumb?"

She took my hand off her shoulder and pointed to the bench while saying, "Help me to move this."

"I'll take care of it. You can go do some like... Go and help Evelyn to clear things."

She lifted the bench without listening to me and said, "Don't treat me like I'm weak."

I rushed and lifted the other bench and dragged it over to the corner of the room.

After moving every bench to one side of the class, Evelyn, and other girls began to swipe the dust on the floor of the classroom.

I leaned on the wall and when I tried to wipe the sweat on my face, someone did it before me. Someone's kerchief patted on my face lightly.

I lowered that person's hand from my face and looked at them. Liam.

"What are you doing?"

"Wiping the sweat."

I took the kerchief from his hand and said, "I'll do it myself." And patted on my forehead and my neck.

"Why are you doing the boy's work? You could help other girls in the class, right?"

"There wasn't any work assigned to boys or girls. Unless it's making pregnant or getting pregnant." And laughed.

Noah smacked my head with a book saying, "If you don't know how to behave then At Least, try to talk like a girl."

"Ouch! It hurts. Why did you do that?"

"With this mouth, you won't get a boyfriend unless you talk properly."

"Dude, did you forget me?" Liam bolted out to him.

I said to Noah, "What's wrong with my talking? If someone wants to change the way of talking, then it should be Harry. Not me."

Harry, "Who's talking about me? Wanna fight with me?"

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