Chapter Thirty-two

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Isabella's pov;

"Wow! It tastes so good. Here, have a bite." gave my steak to Sophia to have a taste.

She showed me the piece in her hand and said, "I have one. Eat yours."

"Okay." And continued eating my steak and said, "I thought Ms Devlin was going to give another activity. Thank gosh, she didn't. I felt so tired after returning back from the peak." And laid back.

"Yeah." Said while eating her food.

Peter and others were having vegetables since the winners got the steaks for dinner.

I took the steaks and walked to them and gave it to them saying, "I've eaten my part. So take it."

"Are you really going to give this to us?"

I nodded and gave it to him. Peter and others thanked me and got the steaks from me. I walked back to Sophia and sat beside her.

"I can't bear your kindness."

I laughed and continued eating the BBQ steak.

After finishing dinner, we went into our tents which we set up in the camping sites for the visitors.

I got a call from Big Brother and I answered.

Big brother asked me, "How's it going?"

"Yeah, it's fun here. Today, We went hiking to the peak of Mount diablo. It was tiring but still we had fun in the end."

"What about dinner?"

"Yeah, I had steaks for dinner."


"Big brother, where are you? Are you at Mr Martinez's house or did you go home?"

"Yes, I'm at my place."

"Is yuyang there? Is she awake? If she's awake, can you give the phone to her? I want to speak with her."

"Yeah, she's doing her homework. Wait, I'll give the phone to her."

After some time, yuyang talked on the phone.

"Belle, did you go on a trip? Why didn't you say it?"

I laughed and said, "I forgot, I'm sorry. Big brother said you're doing homework. Why are you staying awake late at night? Don't you have school tomorrow?"

"I have that's why I'm doing my homework. Is Ms Devlin there?"

"Yes, she's here. Wait..."

I came out of my tent and went to Ms Devlin's tent and asked her, "Ms Devlin, are you there?"

She opened the zipper and said, "Yeah, what do you want? Do you need something?"

I signalled my phone and whispered, "Someone wants to talk to you."

"Who's it?"

I gave the phone to her and returned to my tent where Sophia was.

When I entered, Sophia looked like she was waiting for me.

"Didn't you sleep?"

"Have to."

I sat on my blanket and took the manga to read.

"Aren't you sleeping?" She asked me.

"Ms Devlin has my phone so gotta wait for it."

"Who's on the phone? You looked so happy while talking with that person."

"It's Big brother. You would have seen him at the hospital."

"The guy who came to pay the bills?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah."

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