Chapter 42

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Isabella's pov;

"How's your preparation going for your final exams?" Noah asked me during the class.

"Ah! I totally forgot about that."

"What do you mean forget? You sound like you haven't started yet?" Sophia said to me.

I looked at Sophia and said, "Yup!"

"Are you serious? What are you doing these days? Did you plan to spend another year in high school?"

Ms Devlin walked in so everyone went back to their places. Escaped!

When the class got over, I put my books into my bag and tried to leave for the next class but my friends surrounded me and gave me a stare.


Evelyn asked, "Join us in the study session."

"Whaaat? No!"

Sophia said, "Playing basketball can give you points but it won't give you marks."

Noah gave a stare at her and said, "Really? You could have given some other example."

Sophia said to him, "Seriously, are we going to talk about that?"

While they're arguing with each other, I tried to escape but got caught by Liam.

He asked me, "Where are you going?"

I let out a nervous chuckle and said, "Nowhere." And sat in my seat.

"Are you preparing for the exams?"

I shook my head and said, "I haven't even started yet."

"Why? Don't you have time?"

"It's not really like that."

"I heard that you joined the club again."

"Where did you hear it?"

"Peter saw you working in the nightclub in which you quitted. Why did you join again? Are you running low on money?"

I let out a chuckle and said, "It's not about money. It's something complicated."

"Seems like you're not interested in talking about that, right?"

I let out a sigh and said, "Yeah."

Sophia interrupted, "Did the lovebirds finish with their conversation? Can I talk?"

"Yeah, we finished. What do you wanna talk about?" I asked her.

"Like Evelyn said, join us in the study session."

"What time?"

"You're coming?" Noah looked surprised when I asked for the time.

"I know you won't let me go even if I refuse."

Evelyn said, "Then it's decided. Isabella will be joining us in the study session from the next class."

"You didn't mention the days yet."

Evelyn said, "Coming to that part. We'll be having classes on alternate days like Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Is that fine for you?"

I work Tuesday and Thursday for Mr Martinez so it sounded fine to me so I accepted it.

After school got over, I was walking to the candy shop where Mateo will be waiting for me.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and jumped in the front. Harry?

"Going home?"

Not home but since I stay there, it's like a temporary home so, "Yeah."

"Did you have a thought about us?"

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