Chapter Thirteen

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Isabella's pov;

"What did Mr Brett say?" Evelyn asked me after coming from Mr Brett's office room.

"As usual. He told me to get a high score in the open test."

"Upcoming test? When is the test? Did he say anything about the date?"

"He said it's on Friday."

"Who's phone is ringing?" Sophia asked us while I was having a conversation with Evelyn.

While we were looking at everyone in the class, Evelyn said to me, "It's coming from your bag."


I took my bag and opened it to find a ringing phone inside it. Since this was handed over to me yesterday, I didn't remember having a phone with me and I hadn't gotten used to the ringtone yet. I took the phone and checked who was calling me at this time.

I saw 'Mom' on the phone's display.

I took the phone and walked to the nook of the class and accepted the call.

"Mom, I'm in my class."

"Sorry, babe, is your teacher there?"

"No, mom. Ms Devlin hadn't come yet. What is it?"

"I will be late tonight so don't wait for me till I come."

"Yes, mom and don't call me during classes."

I ended the call and came back to my seat.

When I saw my friends, each one of them looked stunned. I forgot to tell them that I bought a new cell phone.

I waved the phone saying, "Surprise!"

Everyone started talking at the exact time, I couldn't figure out what they were speaking about.

Liam, "Why didn't you say that you bought a phone? Why did you hide it from me?"

Noah, "Give me your number, I'll add you to the basketball practice group and send you the schedule."

I gave the phone to Noah when he asked for the number. Because I still haven't memorised my number yet.

Evelyn, "It's weird to see you with the phone."

Sophia, "Who bought the phone for you?"

Sophia's question made everyone silent.

"Um... I bought it with the money I earned for the past week's job." And let out a nervous laugh.

"I can't believe you used your money to buy a phone. Why did you buy the phone suddenly?"

I always struggle to come up with a lie whenever Sophia asks me.

Liam sat at my table and asked Sophia, "Why are you interrogating her with so many questions?" Turned to me and asked, "Are you free this evening?"

Noah put his hand around his shoulder saying, "Nope! We have basketball practice today so she doesn't have time for you, dude! Your girl will be busy on the basketball court." And made a smirk at him.

"Who said I'm coming for practice today?"

Liam beamed with light all of a sudden and asked, "Does that mean you're coming with me?"

I let out a sigh and looked at Evelyn to ask help for preparing for the test with her but she was studying so seriously. I can't always reach out to my friends for help, I think I should do this by myself this time.

Noah tapped on my bench asking, "What are you thinking about? Why aren't you coming to practice today? Did you forget there's a tournament next week?"

"I have to prepare for the test."

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