Chapter 7: The Quiet of Night

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After a while, the village people (as judgmental as they already were) had forgotten about you and Bruno. Despite everything that had happened, Pepa had apologized to you for her behavior, explaining her short Fuze for situations like the one at dinner.

You forgave her and even became mutual friends for a while, Despite Señora Alma's distaste for it. And regardless of Alma's many attempts to keep you and Bruno as far apart as she could, you and Bruno snuck out to be together after dark. Sharing stories of the past, present, and the potential future.

You were by the river, stretched out on the soft blanket of grass with Bruno by your side, the two of you admiring the beautiful stars that made the sky glitter with beauty. "Um..Y/n?" Bruno asked while looking at you,"yeah?" You turned your head to face him, only to find yourself dangerously close,causing you to blush slightly,"If..If I were to say something crazy still be my friend?" 

You smiled,"that's a silly question, of course I would" Bruno sat up and you followed,"why? Is something wrong?" You started to get nervous from the silence. He looked at you, with slight pain filling his eyes,"well I-I don't want to be your friend anymore" he closed his eyes and looked away,"what? Bruno you can't be serious" 

You reached your hand out to touch his shoulder but his tone had shifted to a serious one, he gently grabbed your wrist and pushed your hand away, you were stunned,"we can't. Keep doing this Y/n" he said pulling his hood over his head to hide whatever expression he could be making.

"I thought-" you were cut off by him,"yeah well, you were wrong. we can't be friends anymore and that's the end of it!" His voice was Stern and cold, and before you could say another word he got up and left. 

Your eyes filled with tears but your expression didn't shift, the silent tears fell down your face as you looked in the direction Bruno left. You stayed frozen there for a long time, the sound of the rivers flowing water drowned out your thoughts, and all you could do was silently cry until morning.

~Time skip~

You gave up trying to communicate with Bruno after that night, besides the occasional small talk with Pepa or Julieta you had almost completely cut ties with the Madrigals.

You did your best to keep your mind off of the encounter has you continued to help lost spirits, but Bruno's soft curly hair and pleading eyes were engraved into your memory. The mere sign of Bruno made your stomach hurt, and you would stop coming into town all together in increments. Only returning for more food or supplies for Ellie

You stopped returning to the paradise as you and Bruno used to call it, you couldn't handle being there. You were an emotional wreck, and no one was there to comfort you other than Ellie, who herself was becoming grey with age.

Nights were filled with tears, and the days stretched to no end. Your mental health (eventually) got better and you controlled it, albeit not in the healthiest way, snuffing out any feelings towards Bruno that had somehow left remnants in your memories.

You're time in the Jungle increased, and you had discovered more beautiful areas, sketching them out for future paintings to add to your wall. And you would always take joy out of leading confused townspeople spirits where they needed to go, hearing them apologize was something that helped tremendously.

"If only the others could hear you"

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