Chapter 8: Disappearance

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~Bruno's PoV~

I don't know how I did it, but I had prevented any tears from forming at the encounter. If she liked me before, surely she doesn't now. I immediately went home, not speaking a single word to my sisters or mama as I quickly hid away to my room

Why did I do it? Mama said it was for the best but..this feels wrong, I saw her start to cry when I was leaving, I want more than anything to go back to her and apologize. I want to hold her and never let her hurt like that again.

But what would be the point of it all if I hurt her? Questions kept buzzing in my mind like angry bees, I wanted to cry but despite the pain nothing happened. I layed down in my bed, it was cold and despite my best efforts sleep didn't come to me. The rats were the only things to help comfort me, even with my sister's best efforts to cheer me up. I just stayed away from everyone and everything. I was confused, angry and sad all at once

Why did mama make me do that? I wanted to yell but no sound ever escaped my throat. Over time I would get used to the silent screaming, the company of never ending rats helped me keep my head as I would pace around my room for hours on end. I was waiting, but for what? Years went by, Pepa and Julieta started their own families and despite my ever growing remorse for it, I continued doing visions.

Mama had asked me to do a vision for Mirabel, Julieta's daughter never got a gift like her cousins did. Could this be something good I could do for the family? Images of casita falling apart and coming back together behind Mirabel answered my question. I smashed the vision and stormed out of the room, I needed to leave but where would I go? 

 Casita had thankfully answered that question as well, a painting swung open, revealing a hidden room within the walls. The space had its flaws but I couldn't complain too much, I could make this place home. And with time it did become my home, I quietly watched my nieces and nephews grow to be truly amazing people. 

Regardless, Y/n plagued my mind, the guilt of the encounter only worsening as time marched ever onward. I wanted to know if she was ok, to see her smile again, she was so beautiful and I gave her up. 

As a method to distract myself and to cope, I wrote telenovelas and used my rats to star as lead actors and actresses and for a while it worked.

"But how long would it take for reality to come back again?"


Heeeeyy, sorry this chapter is a bit short, the next one will be longer. I promise :)

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