The final AN

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Alright, let's cut to the chase, wattpad, I've failed you once again.

Before I make some announcements I would like to state that I, Squishydoodle, am in NO MEANS a writer. Therefore a few things usually happen when I attempt projects like this dumb story...

1. I lose any and all motivation to keep writing

2. I lose interest in the subject

3. I forget that I have a story in the first place

In this case, all three happened. Im sure of you look back on the previous A/N I left, I said that I would be posting another part soon. And I was going to! In fact I believe there's still a draft somewhere, but it never happened. As motivation left my body faster than usane bolt running track.

Eventually, I forgot this even existed as I don't use wattpad like I used to.

And as much as I hate seeing/ doing this, I can't leave you all in the dark...I'm going to TEMPORARILY discontinue this book

Hear me out for a moment

"Oh BuT yOu SaId ThAt LaSt TiMe" yeah..I know. Which is why I want to fix my mistakes and try again in my own pace, as I'm sure you can tell by reading this, my writing has gotten better so it doesn't sound like a 10 year old wrote it.

So here's my vision, no pun intended.

I want to do a few things for my profile

1. Bring back my first ever story I wrote here, and actually complete it. No, this x reader was not my first book, it's actually my second! (I deleted the first one out of shame)

2. Completely revise and complete THIS book. for those who are still crushing hard for Bruno, not all hope is lost. Despite me falling out of the fandom for encanto, I'll do my best to revise and complete this book for your sake <:)

3. Prosper

That is what I WANT to do for this profile, however, my relationship with writing is complicated. Because, as I stated before, I'm a little bit....not good at this. Won't stop me from trying though!

And the next time you'll see anything I write, it will most likely be much more coherent and easier to understand. With better plot! Huzzah!

At the time of writing this, I've already begun my draft for the revision of the first story, who knows how long it will take for this story's revision, but I'll try to keep you lovely readers posted on progress.

Though I have my doubts many will even see/care about this message, I appreciate your patience with me (hopefully). I know how annoying it can be for good stories to go forever unfinished.

Not saying this story was good in any sense

Anyway, that's my plan for this place, hopefully I'll be able to work faster as I get a hang of writing again, only time can tell.

Thanks! ~Your local Squishydoodle

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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