Chapter 9: The Passage of Time

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Eventually, by word of mouth the news arrived to you that Bruno had gone missing, and your anger got the better of you,"good riddance" you said to yourself with a snarl at the news,"hopefully then he can't hurt anyone else" Eventually, as with the nature of people, they began to use you as a scapegoat. Blaming all bad things on you and your so called "curse of the dead"

Eventually, the pressure became too great and you left the small town of encanto. Creating a shelter with ample supplies deep in the jungle and outright abandoning your old home. You took only the essential things with you, any food that was left, Ellie, and clothes, you had left everything else behind including Bruno's gifted necklace, hanging it on the wall as a memento of what once was. 

~Time skip~

(You're the same age as bruno in the movie now)

You grew accustomed to the life of the observer, as the years passed you acted as a guardian of the jungle, watching the town grow and change from a distance. You had even befriended a few ravens and other birds that stole fruits for you from time to time, much to the annoyance of the stand owner who seemed crazy when trying to explain how the birds were "conspiring against him"

Ellie had passed on, but even her spirit never failed to pester you as she demanded hugs and the occasional fish from your hunting trips. You never minded it however, she didn't want to leave without you with her, so you let her spirit stay as long as she would like.

Most of your days in the thick jungles of encanto were dedicated to you acting as your guardian role. you freed large animals from old traps like jaguars and the occasional capybara. And wild animals being wild animals you didn't come out completely unscathed

Your hands and arms were littered with scars, including a fairly nasty bite mark on your shoulder from a particularly aggressive leopard. but despite it all you continued to guide lost souls to wherever they needed to go, speaking to the occasional elder who had passed on in the town who somehow had lost their way.

One day you found an old lady in a clearing, she looked peaceful and she seemed to enjoy the tune you played to spark your gift,"hello there, are you lost?" You asked gently, trying not to startle her,"oh no, I'm right at home" you tilted your head a bit in confusion.

She looked at you and continued with a smile,"I promised mi amor, that I would wait for him in the clearing we met in" you smiled softly and nodded,"could you perhaps..use some company?" She nodded in response and you sat next to her in the clearing,"how long do you plan on staying here?" You said as you looked towards the village,"as long as it takes for him to come back to me, I wouldn't be a very good wife if I didn't" she laughed and you chuckled alongside her.

"What about you hija?" She said turning to you, it had caught you off guard,"what do you mean?"  "I mean, do you have un amor?" You paused for a moment,"I used to" you looked to the side,"ooh! Sí sí that's right! you were with that Bruno Madrigal, an interesting choice no?" You scoffed "yeah, he's a real catch" you said Sarcastically as you watched a ladybug resting on a blade of grass.

She frowned,"I see, that's a shame, I really enjoyed watching you two have conversations and holding hands, it reminded me of mi querido when I was younger" you looked at her with a slightly somber expression,"I guess he just never felt the same way as I did" you looked down as you swallowed the anger and sadness that had built up in the flood of memories that returned to you.

"Oh! Mi amor! I'm here!" She began to yell as she got up from her spot, you looked up to see an old man with the biggest smile you've ever seen reach out and hug his love. You only smiled as their souls disappeared, and two hummingbirds took their place and they swiftly flew away together. 

You sighed as you got up,  your raven flew to you and landed on the neck of your guitar,"was it something..I did?" You asked him, before shaking your head,"no, I promised I wouldn't dwell on it" you returned to your shelter, and the raven looked at you with almost pleading eyes. You looked at him with a smirk,"Ok ok, ve a agarrar un mango, pero solo una" (ok ok, go grab a mango, but only one)

With that the raven excitedly flew off as you made yourself comfortable in your home, you hung up your rauna and prepared your cutting block for when he would return. After a long while of waiting, you decided to check up on him, grabbing your hunting cloak and going to the very edge of the jungle. Sure enough, there he was, trapped in a cage by the shopkeeper.

You groaned before making your way close enough to free your friend, he silently flew away and distracted the keeper long enough for you to sneak away as well.

After that fruitless adventure, from inside your shelter, you heard the sounds of distant crumbling and crashing. You looked out to town and your heart instantly dropped, there where Casita used to stand, was a pile of dust and rubble. You started mentally panicking,"are they ok? What could have caused Casita to fall? Did everyone make it out?" 

You decided to wait, staring at the plume of dust intently before watching it settle. You could see the family members you remember all standing outside, you could even see their individual children,"great, so they aren't all crushed" you said to yourself letting out a big sigh of relief. As you were putting on your hood to go investigate closer, a sight you both craved and despised returned from the other side of the tree line.

There, clad in his signature green rauna was Bruno, standing with his mother.

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