Chapter 10: Bruno's Return

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Even from a distance you could tell the years had taken its toll on him, his hair was longer and he looked rather thin. He looked nervous as per usual, but also happy to be around his family. You watched as expressions changed from joy, to relief and to apologetic. You shook off the urge to reveal yourself to the Madrigals, you told yourself over and over that "they just weren't ready for you yet" so you went on with your usual routine, but keeping yourself hidden underneath your slightly tattered and faded (f/c) rauna and staying close to the shadows.

~Bruno's PoV~

Months had gone by, Casita was rebuilt, máma and the townspeople were more understanding, and I even got an improved room. But something, or rather, someone, always occupied my mind "y/n". I would repeat her name in my mind as I sat in my room to collect my thoughts or to recharge my social battery. I didn't want to mention her immediately, I wanted my family to get adjusted to me being around first, then on a clear day, I decided to ask Julieta about her.

"Um, Julieta?" I said, poking my head into the kitchen as she was preparing food for town,"Sí Bruno,qué necesitas?" (Yes Bruno, what do you need?) "Um..well I've been m-meaning to ask you, que paso con..Y/n?" (What happened to Y/n?) She immediately stopped and turned to face me. "Not good" I thought as her expression shifted to a somber one,"I figured someone would have told you but...well.." she looked down. 

"I'm so sorry Bruno, she's gone, she abandoned everything including…" she pulled out the necklace I gave you from her apron pocket, and my heart shattered. I fought back tears as she placed it in my hands and hugged me tightly. As soon as she let go I immediately left to go to Y/n's house, or at least what was left of it to see if she had left any clues as to where she might have gone.

There wasn't much left, the beautiful paintings that once filled her home with bright scenes were practically rotting off of the walls. Various plants grew out of cracks in the floor and candles were melted to the windowsill as if the town were commemorating the dead,"No, she's not gone she can't be" I didn't want to believe it. I walked through town quietly, listening for anything desperately on any leads to Y/n's disappearance.

I ultimately stopped at a fruit stand at the end of town and bought a mango for myself to silence my now growling stomach, just as I grabbed it though, a large raven appeared and snatched it from my hands and the shopkeeper went ballistic over the bird. It caught me off guard but it was acting...strange, as soon as it was at the tree line, it dropped the mango to the ground and it was quickly snatched up. The raven However didn't try to attack its mango thief, instead following them.

I ignored the shopkeeper's shouting and quickly ran after the bird, following the sounds of branches breaking and the rustling of leaves.

~No one's PoV~

"shit shit shit shit!" You thought as you ran as fast as you could, keeping a fair distance from Bruno despite his pleas for you to "slow down" and "stop" . Finally you made it to a large tree, climbing up its trunk swiftly and praying that he wouldn't look up to the branch you perched on, silently catching your breath. 

Not long after. Bruno arrived, panting heavily,"Please" was all he managed to say before collapsing to the ground from exhaustion. You rolled your eyes and jumped down, landing in front of him and using your hood to conceal your face entirely, startling him enough for him to flinch and curl up a bit,"you should start running more" you said as he looked at you with wide eyes. You offered a hand for him to stand which he took, he looked shocked to see all of the scars before you let go,"Uh, this is yours...lo siento" 

He squinted as he looked at you, as if trying to adjust his vision to make out details of your face, his eyes widened as he realized who was standing in front of him..

"Y/n!?" He almost yelled, you quickly covered his mouth with your hand,"nononono, you never saw me, this never happened" you put the mango in his hand and turned him around,"Wait! Y/n, please just-" as took as he turned around you were gone, running through the jungle with less care than normal,"I have to get away, just-"


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