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I was sitting on the edge of Justin's bed looking out the window admiring the beautiful view. The tour ended once we reached his room. I'm not sure if he purposely took me there last, or if it was just a coincidence. It really didn't matter to me either way though.

"So, Miss Alana. Tell me about yourself." Justin spoke flopping down on his bed. I shifted my body so that I was facing him and crossed my legs Indian style.

"Well what is it you want to know?" I inquired and he only shrugged.

"Whatever you're willing to tell..."

"Hm okay." I paused to think a little. "Well I'm 18, but I turn 19 in a few weeks. I was born and raised in Inglewood. I have a twin brother, Aiden. He's only 4 minutes older but acts like it's 4 years," I rolled my eyes and Justin chuckled. I'm in college, like I said before, but I haven't really decided on a major yet. I'm not sure if I want Physical Therapy or Dance. Bria is literally my rock. We've been through everything together my whole life, she's my cousin, best friend, and sister all wrapped into one. Oh! and food is my second best friend. I really love eating," I said laughing at the end.

"So you're legal? That's nice to know." Justin said, a small smirk on his face.

"Is that seriously the only thing you heard?" I chuckled giving him a look of disbelief.

"Nah, it's not." He laughed. "I actually think it's really cool how you're in school trying to make something of yourself, not just one of those Instagram models." I didn't really know what to say to that so I just nodded and smiled. "So you say you dance?"

"Yep. Since I was six years old. It's really a love of mine. That's why I'm kind of on the fence about my major. I would love to pursue dance but it's not really a promising career. My parents think Physical Therapy is the best choice."

"No disrespect to your parents, but it's your life, you should choose what you wanna do, you don't want to be stuck in a career you don't love." He told me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"One thing is for sure though, I would love to have you dance for me one day." Judging by the look on his face, he definitely didn't mean as in a backup dancer.

"I just might." I said smirking myself.

"I hope you know I'm gonna hold you to that." He smiled.

"Yeah, well we will see about that." There was a pause between us again, as we just looked into each other's eyes. I was the one to look away this time, blushing.

"Are you single, Alana?" I wasn't really surprised by his question or his bluntness really, I kind of expected it.

"Uh, more like pringle. It's kind of like single but hungry." I giggled.

He laughed playing with his chin hair a little. "Cute...but that's also nice to know.."

"Okay enough about me, I want to hear about you." I said eagerly. He gave me a look that read: do you know who I am? So I added "what is it that the world doesn't know about Justin the Bieber?" He looked as if he was in thought for a second before answering.

"There's not much to tell really, I'm pretty much an open book." He shrugged. "But I guess despite my career and all my friends and stuff, I actually like being by myself. It gives me time to just, think and reflect, you know?" He looked up at me and I nodded, understanding. "Now, I wouldn't mind having a beautiful girl by my side though, and to share my thoughts with.." He had that famous smirk plastered on his face and I playfully rolled my eyes.

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