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"Are we on teams or is it every man for himself?" I asked. I wasn't sure how this game would go yet.

"We should do teams, so me and girl can whoop y'all." Khalil said, making me roll my eyes. He put an arm around Bria's shoulders and had a look on his face that said he really thought he was doing something.

"Wait, can you even bowl while you're talking smack?" Bria asked, taking his arm off her shoulder. Both me and Justin let out small laughs because of the face Khalil made.

"It doesn't matter. We're gonna beat y'all either way." I said.

"Wait. Can you bowl while you're talking all this smack?" Justin asked me, making everyone laugh but me.

"Yes, I can. I never lose." I told him.

"Well that sounds like a threat to me so come on, Lana. Come get this ass whooping you deserve." Bria stood up and walked to the screen to put our names in.

"While y'all doing that, I'll go order some food. C'mon, Khalil." Justin said, he stood up and him and Khalil left. I got up and walked to Bria as soon as they left just because it was something to do. I stood next to her and watched her type out a foreign name.

"What is a Khria?" I asked her, scrunching up my face.

"Khalil and Bria. It's our couple name. You know, like Bradgelina? Or... Jelena." she peeked at me and I mugged her for various reasons.

"Y'all are not a celebrity couple, though." I told her.

"Well, not yet. Soon as I make a name for myself we will be and we'll have millions of haters just like you." she said with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and pushed the side of my body into hers to push her a little bit, which made her laugh. I watched the screen as she typed in another name.

"Jalana." I said, reading the name outloud. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "I like it."

"Like what?" Justin said before he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. He looked down at the screen I was looking at to see what I was talking about.

"Jalana? Is that us?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's cute, right?"

"Not as cute as you." He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"You're so cheesy." I told him.

"Don't act like you don't love it, babe." he gave my cheek another kiss before he released me, going back where the seats were. I soon noticed that Bria was now over there, too. She stood in front of Khalil as he sat on the little couch not too far from where Justin was now sitting. I had barely made my way over there when she started to speak.

"Okay, I call the blue ball so no one better touch it!" Bria said, grabbing the blue bowling bowl off the rack since it was their turn first. I sat on Justin's lap to watch her. He rested one arm on my thighs as the other wrapped around my waist.

"Why am I not surprised?" I said. She stuck her tongue out at me and I did it right back.

"Wait, I think we should make this a little more interesting." Justin said. When I looked at him he had a sly smile on his face as he pulled on his few chin hairs. He barely has a beard now so I don't know why he feels the need to pull on it.

"So, you trying to make a bet? I don't think my money is tall enough for that." Bria said, making both me and Justin laugh.

"No, not a bet involving money. One where the losing team has to do something." Justin corrected.

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