Character Q&A: ANSWERS!

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Q: You are beautiful.
A: aw you're sweet, thank you

Q: don't date Justin just yet girl, take it sloww
Alana: I'll take it as slow as I can :)
Justin: hey, I think I'm a great catch
Alana: that you are, babe. *pinches cheek*

Q: why did you act like you didn't care so much at first?
A: I don't know, it wasn't my intention. I just didn't want to seem over eager I guess.

Q: what do you like most about Justin?
A: I think it's the fact that even though he has this crazy life, he's still like a normal person so it's really easy to be around him.

Q: You are so fine.
Alana: isn't he????
Justin: thanks.

Q: You are daddy did you know that?
Justin: I know, that's what I'm trying to tell Lana.
Alana: ... *rolls eyes* let it go

Q: I love you
A: I love you too

Q: You bae asf
A: thank you?

Q: can we best friends?
Justin: of course ;)
Alana: you're such a flirt

Q: why do you keep calling Alana "babe" and stuff like yall ain't dating
Justin: I guess it just slips sometimes, it comes easy for me to call her that. But don't worry that's gonna change soon ;)
Alana: oh, really?

Q: what do you like most about Alana?
A: it's really easy to be around her because she doesn't care about my fame or anything, I can really be myself with her. And have you seen her????

Q: are you still mad at Alana for doing the nasty in your bed?
A: no, as long as she doesn't do it again.

Q: you and Khalil are cute together.
A: thank you :) even though I'm the only cute one :p

Q: how old are you?
A: 20

Q: is Khalil chicken nugget???
A: ...I plead the fifth

Q: do you like Alana or...?
A: nah, I ain't like her bean head ass since she made me an older brother.

The Authors
Q: what was the inspiration for this story and why write it together?
A: we always have random conversations and scenarios and we got this idea and decided to write it. We write it together because we've been wanting to work on something together

Q: I love how you guys make it seem realistic and not fake. I hope you guys end up having a sequel
A: thank you, we're glad you like it :) and lol we're just trying to finish this one first

Thanks for everyone who did participate, we appreciate it. :)

And also, if you guys want us to continue this story please please be more active, and tell us what you think. As writers it's really helpful to get feedback from our readers so no more silent readers, please and thank you.

~Donny & Britt xo

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