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That little talk me and Justin had really cleared things up between us. It's been a week since it's happened and we talk a lot more now. I honestly talk to him almost all of the time. Our conversations were really fun, entertaining even. They included everything from jokes to serious opinions and, of course, flirting. There was more flirting on his part, though.

"That smile on your face just shows me that you're still texting Justin. Y'all been going nonstop for days." Bria said. I looked up from my phone to see her walk across the living room and go to the window. As she looked out the window I looked back down in at my phone and typed a reply to Justin.

"Get out my business, Bria." I told her. I sent my reply to Justin and looked up at her as she came and stood in front of me. I noticed her outfit once she did. She didn't have to work today and normally when she's off she sits around in her pajamas the whole day being fat. Unless she's going somewhere.

"Where you going?" I asked her.

"Oh now who's in whose business, huh? Why you need to know?"

"Stop playing and just tell me."

"If you must know, I have a date." she said with a big smile on her face.

"With Khalil?"

"Duh. Who else?" I just shrugged. "Exactly. I'll be gone for the rest of the day. Probably won't be back until later so don't wait up." She walked out of the living room so I followed her.

"Wait, so what am I supposed to do while you're gone? Hello, I am visiting you, you can't just leave me." I told her. She literally begged me to come to LA early and now she doesn't want to spend time with me? What kind of cousin is she?

"Stop being dramatic, Lana. It's no different from when you left me to hang out with Justin."

"But you had people with you. I am here alone!"

"Then call Justin! I'm sure he'll come over to keep you company." she said. She picked up her phone off the bed and I folded my arms as I watched her. After looking at the screen for a few seconds, she typed something and then grabbed her purse. She walked to me and left a big kiss on my cheek that I immediately wiped off.

"Grow up. See you later, boo. Remember, don't wait up." She walked past me and left the apartment without saying another word. My phone vibrated in my hand and I looked at it to see Justin had texted me again. I decided to take Bria's advice and invite him over. He said he had nothing to do anyway.

Movie night?


I opened the door and was met by Justin's smile. He had a bag of stuff in one arm as he stretched out the other, reaching for a hug. I stretched my arms out and came closer to him. Just as he was gonna wrap his arm around me, I took his bag and turned around, going to the kitchen.

"Really, Alana? That was foul." I laughed as I looked into the bag.

"Aye, soon as I saw the bag all I could think about was snacks." I said. I sat the bag on the kitchen counter and felt two arms wrap around my waist. Justin gave me a kiss on the cheek before resting his head on my shoulder. I turned around in his arms and wrapped mine tightly around his neck. His hands sat on my waist before slowly moving down and resting on my butt. I released him and slapped his arms down.

"Hands off, white boy. That's not yours." I said, pointing a finger in his face.

"It will be." he said. He smiled and took his bottom lip between his teeth, biting it. He somehow managed to keep that same sly smile on his face as he did it. I just shook my head and turned back around to go through the bag he brought.

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