Chapter 6 New Beginnings (or so they say)

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The smell of chemicals wakes me. They smell fresh, clean, but very strong.

I slowly open my eyes; the white and grey walls seem sinister. I look at my arms, cables and tubes are attached to me. I look around; monitors with meaningless signs and numbers.

I start pulling the needles and cables from my flesh. The monitors start screaming and I burst through the door. I stumble into the hallway.

Where am I?

Numerous people start coming down the hall; most of them are in white smocks and pale blue pants, others in black suits.

"Wait!" They call.

I fumble along in the other direction; my legs refusing to cooperate.

A set of hands quickly wrap around my arm, "Hold on."

I rip my arm from their grasp, and continue down the hall, but a two people in white smocks take me from both sides. A third sticks me with a needle and my world shifts drastically. I instantly feel exhausted, leaning against the people who hold my arms.

They put me back into the bed and leave. I drift off.

A small light shines in my eyes and I cringe accordingly.

"Yep, she's awake. And surprisingly, you can go ahead and check her out."

"It's only been a few hours since her surgery."

"Well, we've already taken the stitches out. The wounds are closed; most of the scars have faded."

I inhale sharply, "Of course they've healed. I'm Asagrdian."

"I'd think it'd be best if you take her sooner than later." The healer says.

"Probably." Coulson says.

I stand outside, waiting for Coulson to finish some paperwork. I lean against the brick surface of the building. I didn't believe Midgard could be so peaceful- or nice.

The door opens and Coulson steps out, "Ready to go?"

I push off of the wall and walk with him to a red car with no roof.

"I can't go back to Asgard." I say.

"Why not?"

"The Bifrost- the transportation between realms- was destroyed when Loki tried to destroy Jotunheim. I do not know when or if it will be fixed."

"I'll see if the Director will get you a place to stay while you're here." Coulson says, starting the car.

"This director, is he your leader?"


I nod and he drives. My hair starts whipping in all directions. I gather as much of I as I can and twist it into a knot.

We pull into a similar facility and he parks. We get out of the car and walk inside.

A large, laid out floor space with a giant glass symbol, it is obviously some sort of bird, but other than that- I could not tell you what. I point to it with interest, "What does that symbol mean?"

"It's an Eagle. Here, they're a symbol of freedom." He says.

There are more people here than at the other building. Most of them wearing uniforms, and others wearing suits, others are dressed casually.

He steps into a very small room, and I follow. It really isn't that big of a room, and it is constructed from glass. Coulson taps a button on the wall and the silver doors close.

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