Chapter 14: A Whole New War Part 1

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3rd Person POV

Genghis Khan stood on his chambers balcony overlooking the city and clenched his fists seeing parts of his capitol city smoke from the attack yesterday. For the first time in Mongolia's history an outside enemy successfully launched a raid on Karakorum, the door to the emperors opened and Chaghatai poked his head in. "Father?" he said gaining his fathers attention, "What is my boy?" Genghis asked a bit annoyed, "The army is gathered like you asked and so are the generals and commanders".

Genghis Khan walked to the door and walked out, his son following close behind. Finding himself at the grand balcony guarded by two soldiers the emperor walked out onto the balcony overlooking the astonishing sight of a million or more soldiers stood in endless lines, the ones all the way in front held flags of the Mongolian Empire.

Among the soldiers were 15 feet tall, armored giants, the giants wielding giant swords or battle axes. The race of giants were a race that the Mongolians found in the Himalayan Mountain range, the Mongolians convinced the race of giants to join their military which they did.

However, the main weapon of mass destruction in the Mongolian Empires ranks were the three mountain sized dragons Chaghatai spoke about, the three dragons stood just outside the city walls and released deafening roars. Two of these dragons were fire breathing monsters that could make an entire city an inferno in a matter of seconds, they had gray rough and armored skin that could withstand heavy blows and the center of a volcano temperatures, massive, tucked wings, club like tails for decimating buildings and people, and on their heads coral like spikes and frills that looked like crowns.

The other dragon was an ice spitting dragon that was a dark muddy gray with red highlighted tips, large spikes protruded from the back of its neck, coral like scales, and tails fins for swimming which it was very good at.

Genghis Khan looked at his army with a stone face, "Generals and commanders of this fabulous military, ready your men and launch a counterattack on the Americans and the Persian Empire!" Genghis Khan barked out to his military, "Show those people what the Mongolian Empire can do and WHY WE ARE NOT TO BE TRIFFLED WITH!!".

The soldiers raised their fists in the air and released battle cries, "GENERALS AND COMMANDERS LEAD YOUR MEN TO BATTLE!!!" Genghis Khan screamed out and another wave of battle cries filled his ears.

While the generals and commanders commanded their soldiers to travel to the Persian Empire, Genghis Khan turned and walked off the balcony, "Wait father, is it really wise to send a million men to fight the American and Persian?" Chaghatai inquired to which Genghis turned around and placed both hands on his sons shoulders, "It is my son, do you know how many soldiers we have?" he asked to which Chaghatai shook his head. "We have around 50 million soldiers and around a billion dragons, If the attack fails then I will be cautious and not throw my soldiers at them blindly" with that Genghis walked leaving Chaghatai in the hallway.

William's POV

I was speechless upon setting the newspaper down, "Wow" was I could muster out while the rest continued reading. "Goddamn, out of the 80 airmen only 4 survived from the Doolittle Raid" Lakota said setting the paper down himself, "I bet those Mongols are pissed" Jay said chuckling to himself, "And here out of the 595 airmen assigned to strike a part of Mongolia's agriculture, 467 survived... not bad" Dalton said reading the paper. I couldn't help but appreciate those airmen they knew what they were flying into and did so with bravery, I bet everyone at home just had a massive morale boost.

"Well, that's that us great Americans struck the Mongolian capitol, now its only a matter of time before they strike back and I bet they are bringing a massive attack force" Hernandez looking out towards the vast desert, "That's quite the concern Hernandez" Sergeant Hellen's out of nowhere voice made us stand and face him, "Sit down boys" he said, and we did as he said. "The higher ups know your concern Hernandez and are patrolling the skies looking for armies trudging through the desert".

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