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𓆩♡𓆪 Next day 9:10 pm

Quackity woke up to the sound of his phone alarm, Quackity turned the alarm off got off the bed. Quackity went to the bathroom and took a quick bath since the was freezing cold and he couldn't change the temperature, Quackity then went to the kitchen only to see empty cabinets. Has Quackity already eaten all his groceries?

Quackity sighed "Guess I'm not eating breakfast" Quackity said to himself, Quackity is only praying his day is gonna get better when he gets to the flower shop. Quackity wore the same clothes he was wearing yesterday.

It still smelled nice so he decided to wear it, He put his apron and beanie on and walked to his shop, Quackity didn't see Tiger on his way to do work but Quackity figured he was gonna see Tiger on his way back from work. 

When he opened the shop Quackity sat down on his chair and rested his chin onto his right hand, waiting for some customers to come into the shop. The shop was slower than usual but Quackity was too hungry and tired to even care.

Suddenly the entrance bell rang, Expecting to see a tall burnette Quackity said "Wilbur if your here to say some cheesy ass pick up lines I'm not in the-" Quackity looked up to see not Wilbur but Tommy

Quackity suddenly sat up properly "Tommy!- What are you doing here?-" Quackity asked "I was just visiting! Also what's going on between you and my brother?-" Tommy raised an eyebrow "It's nothing- Anyway what can I do for you Tommy?"

"Oh nothing- Wilbur said I should keep you company while he's getting coffee" Tommy said as he sat on the counter looking around the shop, "Also we bumped into Sally this morning! You know Sally right?"

Quackity sighed, "Yeah I do" 

"Isn't she so cool!? She plays video games with me when she comes over!" 

"Oh your a streamer like Wilbur?"

Tommy nodded, "Techno and Dad streams too! When the four of us stream together we call ourselves the SBI boys"

Just as Quackity was about to ask something Wilbur walked holding coffee and he was with Sally.

Of course its Sally.

Tommy got off the counter and walked up to Sally and Wilbur "Wilbur did you-" before Tommy could even finish speaking Wilbur took out a cake pop, in which Tommy gladly took from Wilbur's hands. Quackity looked at Wilbur then at Tommy then at Sally.

Sally looked stunning, Quackity assumed Wilbur and Sally went on a morning coffee date. Assuming it was a date since Sally and Wilbur were holding hands, Quackity could be wrong and friends can still holds hands but Quackity still couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Alex hi!" Sally greeted Quackity with a smile.

Quackity just hummed in response, He wasn't in the mood to speak. His day started out shitty and this isn't helping him, "Big Q we'll be right back!" Tommy and Sally left the shop leaving Wilbur and Quackity all alone. Wilbur walked to the counter and smiled at Quackity.

Quackity ignored Wilbur and just started to write down random notes in his notepad, "You alright Quackity? Did you not get enough sleep? Did you eat breakfast?" Wilbur asked genuinely worried.

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