the end?

253 10 7

Timeskip to a couple of months living together.

Quackity was fast asleep on his and Wilbur's shared bed, that was until he felt Wilbur's lips being placed aginst his, Quackity opened his eyes and saw Wilbur.

"Darling~ wake up it's time for breakfast" Wilbur said as he kissed Quackity's cheek and brushed Quackity's hair using his fingers.

"You know when I agreed to this whole "Moving in with you" stuff I thought it meant I didn't have to wake up early" Quackity stated

"Quackity stop being a drama king and get out of bed" Wilbur said

"When pigs fly" Quackity replied

"I made hashbrowns"

"...I'll be down in a minute"

Wilbur giggled and kissed Quackity's cheek one last time before headimg back to the kitchen.

Quackity sat up and smiled, ever sincd he decided to move in with Wilbur he was on cloud 9 ever since, Wilbur was with him throughout his good and bad days and would be the shoulder Quackity needed to cry on.

Quackity took his phone from the nightstand and texted the crew boys groupchat goodmorning, He got up from bed and walked to the kitchen, while walking he couldn't help but hear...

Music? Was Wilbur blasting music?

Quackit peeked his head out of the corner and saw Wilbur dancing to music, most of them being classical music.

"Cause the boy with cold hard cash is always mister right!" Wilbur sang along as he flipped some eggs, he held the spatula to his mouth as if it was a mic "Cause we are living, in a material world! And I am a material girl!"

Quackity laughed and leaned his shoulder onto the wall watching Wilbur do all of this, He heard Wilbur liked music but never actually got the chance to hear him sing.

Wilbur turned around and stopped singing once he saw Quackity, "Oh! Darling!" Wilbur smiled and walked over to Quackoty giving him a quick peck on the lips "Sorry, was I too loud?" Wilbur asked.

Quackity held one of Wilbur's cheeks and pulled him into a soft and gentle kiss, he pulled away and looked at Wilbur's chocolate brown eyes "It's fine love, I liked hearing you sing anyway" Quackoty reassured and Wilbur smiled.

"Come on let's eat breakfast" Wilbur said and led Quackity to the dining room and sat him down as Wilbur took two plates and placed hashbrowns and eggs on them.

Wilbur sat next to Quackity and the two began to eat, they were chattimg about what they should do for lunch and dinner. Suddenly Wilbur remembered something.

"Oh don't forget, we're going to Sapnap and Karl's wedding tomorrow"

"How could I? They're my best friends"

Wilbur giggled and held one of Quackity's hands "Do you already have a suit for the event?" Wilbur asked and Quackity nodded "Yup, got the suit already"

"Good, just make sure the suit actually looks decent," Wilbur said as he took a bite out of his hashbrown.

Quackity nodded and quickly finished his breakfast before going back into their bedroom so he can pick out his clothes for the day, when he made his decision he went to the bathroom and took a shower.

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