✎Confrontation and Upsetbur

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"It's just us again"

"Don't make it sound odd," Quackity remarked as he walked back to the counter, followed by Wilbur, who sat on Quackity's floor. "What time do you close the shop?" Wilbur inquired. "I don't know, maybe 11 p.m.?" he said.

Quackity asked, "Why are you asking?" Wilbur shrugged as he scribbled something in his notepad. "I was just interested."

Someone strolled into the shop as if on cue, and Quackity looked up from his notepad to see Niki, who greeted her with a smile and said, "Hi Niki! Welcome to the shop! How can I assist you today?"

"Hey Q! do you happen to have any dandelions?" Niki questioned as she looked about. She panicked a little when she noticed Wilbur, but then grinned and said, "Oh hi!" Niki greeted. "Hello," Wilbur said with a smile.

Yep! Let me just go get some," Quackity said as he went to the back to collect some dandelions for Niki, then put them in a bouquet and returned to the counter to give it to her. When Niki saw the flowers, she put her hands together and said, "Amazing! Thank you Quackity!"

"No problem, Niki," Quackity said as she placed a 30 on the counter and walked out of the store. Wilbur received a notification on his phone when Quackity is doing this. Wilbur couldn't help himself as he slid his phone out of his pocket and opened the notification. He then frowned.

Wilbur could be seen texting on his phone, his face indicating that he was upset, if not a little sad. Quackity became aware of this and spoke up.

"Wilbur? Everything okay?"

Wilbur didn't hear Quackity since he was too preoccupied with his phone. Before speaking again, Quackity moved over to Wilbur and sat next to him. "Wilbur, are you all right?"

Wilbur looked up from his phone this time to see Quackity when he heard him. Wilbur rose up and walked out of the shop, groaned, and slid his phone back into his pocket, saying, "Y-Yeah- Sorry Quackity, I gotta go." Quackity was left bewildered and concerned.

Quackity walked out of the shop only to find Wilbur walking away and typing on his phone. He sighed and returned to the shop, sitting in his chair with his cheek resting on his right palm, wondering what had happened to Wilbur.

Quackity reasoned that if Wilbur was at home, he could check up on him and perhaps even pay him a visit. Quackity smiled at the thought of getting Wilbur a gift if he had the funds. Wilbur was always there for him, so it would only be fair if he returned the kind.

Quackity took his notepad out and wrote down the possible gifts he could get for Wilbur.

Gifts maybe Wilbur would like:



Matching earrings

A new beanie

While Quackity was thinking of more gifts for Wilbur the entrance bell rang, Quackity looked up from his notepad and saw Puffy. He quickly hid his notepad and stood up "Puffy! Welcome to the shop! How can I help you today?"

"Hey Quackity! I just need a bouquet of Hydrangea's" 

"Sure thing," Quackity said as he stood up and headed to one of the drawers to fetch the flowers Puffy desired. As he was making the bouquet, Quackity said, "Hey Puffy?"

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