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𓆩♡𓆪Next day 8:09 am

Quackity woke up to the sound of someone cooking,  Quackity sat up and looked at the kitchen. He saw Wilbur making breakfast, Quackity smiled and walked to Wilbur hugging him from behind. Wilbur smiled at Quackity's sudden actions and held Quackity with one of his hands.

"Goodmorning" Wilbur said

"Morning- What are you making?"

"Pancakes, I know how much you liked them when we were at Bad's restaurant"

Quackity's eyes lit up and hugged Wilbur tighter. Suddenly Quackity remembered something, He didn't have any groceries.

"Hey Will- Where did you-"

"Buy the ingredients? I woke up a little more early than usual and decided to go grocery shopping, Hope you don't mind"

Quackity shook his head "It's fine- Anyway I need to go shower" Quackity let go of Wilbur and went off to grab some clothes.

Wilbur smiled then went back to cooking breakfast, When Wilbur finished making breakfast and putting them into two separate plates, He sat down and scrolled through his phone, and waited for Quackity to come back.

Quackity walked out of the bathroom he sat next to Wilbur.

"Can I touch your hair?" Wilbur asked and Quackity nodded.

"Your hair is way softer when it's wet!" Wilbur said as he ruffled the smaller's hair, Quackity giggled at Wilbur and gave him a light peck on the lips. Wilbur blushed at the sudden action but accepted it anyway.

As the two were eating breakfast there was a comfortable silence, when the two finished eating Quackity did the dishes and Wilbur was sitting on Quackity's couch scrolling through his phone.  Suddenly the silence broke.

"Hey, Wilbur?"


"So.. about last night-"

"What about it?"

Quackity paused for a bit and spoke again

"Are we dating?- I mean just because we kissed doesn't mean we're already dating-"

"Well we could be if you want- We can date" Wilbur stated

Quackity stayed silent for a couple of moments "I'll think about it" 

Wilbur smiled and walked over to Quackity, He embraced the other from behind and kissed Quackity's neck.

"Do you want to do something today?" Wilbur asked

"I have to go to the shop- And I have to feed tiger on my way there" Quackity finished washing the dishes and leaned on Wilbur's back. "Speaking of tiger I haven't seen him in a couple of days" Quackity frowned.

"I'm sure tiger's fine- maybe tiger just wandered around and got lost" 

Quackity sighed "You're right- I should probably stop worrying. Go take a shower so we can leave" Quackity ordered and Wilbur nodded.

Wilbur walked to the bathroom and took a shower, He wore the same clothes he had since that was the only clothes he had. When Wilbur finished he did his hair and the two then walked out of Quackity's apartment. 

While the two were walking Quackity stopped by at the place tiger would usually be at. Still, No sign of tiger.

Out of pure desperation, he asked someone random who was passing by where tiger was.

"Uh excuse me- Have you seen the cat that was always here?" 

"Oh, you didn't hear?" the passerby said

"Hear what?"

"It was on the news that there was a cat murdered here, a group of teenagers threw rocks at the poor thing" The passerby frowned then walked away.

Quackity's heart was shattered, Tiger, The only thing that kept him sane throughout his shitty life, was dead.

"Quackity-" Wilbur held one of Quackity's hands "I'm- I'm sure it's not tiger!- There's a lot of other cats that pass by here and-"

Quackity didn't hear the rest of what Wilbur said, Quackity's eyes were flooded with tears. Quackity pushed Wilbur away and ran back to his apartment, When he arrived at his apartment door he slammed the door behind him. He sat on the floor and began to sob.

Quackity stood up and collapsed onto his bed, Sobbing into his pillow and hugging it tightly. He loved tiger more than anything and now he was gone, after a couple of hours of sobbing, someone opened the door.

Shit Quackity thought to himself, He must've forgotten to lock the door

It was Wilbur, holding a bunch of snacks for Quackity, Quackity tried to wipe his tears away but failed as more rolled down his cheeks. 

"Alex.." Wilbur quitely said

Wilbur walked towards Quackity and sat next to him, He held one of Quackity's hands for comfort. He started to kiss Quackity's knuckles and palms, Wilbur then reached up to hold Quackity's face then started to press soft kisses around Quackity's cheeks and lips saying "it's okay" "Everything's gonna be alright" and "I'm here in-between kisses"

Quackity felt a little better knowing Wilbur is there for him, After a couple hours of Wilbur comforting Quackity and trying to take his mind off things. He fell asleep, The crying made him tired. 

Wilbur smiled lied Quackity down the bed, He was brushing Quackity's hair until he heard someone knocking on the door.

Wilbur stood up and walked over to the door opening it "Hey man- You shouldn't really visit right now-" Wilbur was cut off.

"What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" 

"What?-" Wilbur asked confused

"I'm schlatt, Alex's roommate"


It was Quackity's roommate.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Just a heads up I won't be able to post tomorrow I'm going out with my family! Also great job to the people who guessed who Quackity's roommate is!

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