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Jisoo pulls the door shut behind her and Karina leans back against the bed, flopping her body weightlessly against the soft mattress and stretching her arms up above her head just as a soft knock comes on the door.

"Hello?" She darts upwards as the door creaks open and Winter's head peaks out from behind it.

"Hi," she smiles sheepishly, offering out a plate. "My mom's a feeder, sorry. She made you a PB&J, I hope that's okay."

"Oh, that's actually... great." Karina smiles back despite herself as her stomach growls in response to the food.

Winter steps further into the room, sitting carefully on the bed next to her as she passes Karina over the sandwich, looking anywhere but her as Karina takes a bite of the sugary, sticky concoction.

"So, not quite where you expected to spend your Christmas, huh? What happened to the library?" Winter throws a wry smile at her, arching a curious eyebrow.

"My dorm room flooded, the girl above left her bathtub running," she can't even get through the words without rolling her eyes, though she feels more like strangling Jessica from 4-2B.

"Oh shit," Winter's eyes widen in alarm, "how bad is it?"

"Not too awful, it'll take them a couple of weeks, longer because of the holidays. My temporary room should be ready by the 24th though, so I'll be out of your hair in a few days. Thanks for taking me in, I appreciate it."

"You can... stay for Christmas if you want," Winter's hands are curling together awkwardly, "it's no trouble."

"No, it's okay thanks," despite her earlier words to Jisoo, her mind is made up, "I have work to do and I don't really-"

"- do Christmas," Winter parrots her own words back at her and she can't help but smile, "yeah I know. Well, the offer is there if you want it."


An awkward silence descends. Karina's finished her sandwich, but Winter stays sat on the bed beside her, tracing patterns in the carpet on the floor with the toe of her slipper. Finally, they both speak at once.

"Why did you lie?"

"You can't tell my mom."

Karina's brows crease uncertainly and she waits as Winter swallows, gathering her words and saying in a quick rush.

"You can't tell my mom about us. She's just a little fucked up this Christmas, she wants it to be as perfect as possible which is why there are so many people in the house and I just... I can't land this on her right now, you know? It would ruin her Christmas, she'd totally flip."

"Because I'm a girl or because we hook up without any emotional connection?" Karina asks, bluntly and Winter scowls at her.

"Hey, I make you laugh."

"Yeah, only around making me cum though."

Winter whacks at her arm, rolling her eyes again even as Karina lets out a soft chuckle. "You're right, we have nothing. In fact, I kind of hate you."

"Sure you do."

"My point is," she ploughs on, ignoring Karina's jibes pointedly. "Don't tell her."

"Okay," she shrugs, watching as Winter turns to look at her, tongue nervously wetting her lips as she becomes more sincere.

"I'm serious Karina, this is really important."

"Hey," without thinking her fingers go to sit beneath Winter's chin, tilting her eyes up so that she can see how frank she is, "I understand. There is no reason your mom- or anyone else for that matter- needs to know. It's nothing, just a little harmless sex. We'll just act..." her eyes flicker to Winter shining lips and she fees her voice crack slightly, "normal."

"Right," Winter's words are only slightly breathy, "so... no fucking."

"None." She's leaning forward without thinking and when Winter's fingers tangle in her hair and draw her into a sudden, passionate kiss she can't find it within her to pull away. A tongue slides out to run over her lips and she opens her mouth slightly, their breath hot against the other's skin as their bodies press together. Teeth nip at her lips and she lets out a groan that she barely realises is hers until she feels the rumble of her chest and Winter's soft, throaty laughter against her mouth.


The voice from downstairs makes them spring apart as if electrified and Winter's wide eyes dart to her and then to the door as she runs a hand through her hair and shouts back, voice shaking.


The word only makes them both flush even more and Winter jumps from the bed, pressing hands against her hot cheeks and pulling her hat further down.

"Okay... okay no more of that, understand?"

"Loud and clear." Karina shakes her head, trying to clear the haze from her mind and then looks up as Winter runs a finger over slightly swollen lips and asks.

"How do I look?"

"Alarmingly normal. Painfully average."

Winter's eyes roll again but she can't hide the smile on her face as she flicks the finger in Karina's direction, pausing at the door.

"Fuck you. See you in the morning, Karina."

"Goodnight Winter."

She tries to ignore the softness in her voice and the warmth still clinging to the back of her neck, where Winter's hands had been.

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