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The next morning I wake up, the sun is shining through my curtains. I hate getting out of bed, I hate doing anything that isn't being lazy. I suddenly remember that there is two sleeping drunk little dorks on my couch, springing up I trip over my bed sheets, falling face first into the floor.

"Shit" I muttered.

I pulled myself off of the floor and sighed, this is why I hate getting out of my bed.

I walk down the small hallway that leads into the living room and look to see only Luke sleeping. Michael wasn't on the couch. I looked around for him but instead I found a note sitting on the table.

I'm sorry I had to leave before you got up, I was called into work with this awful hangover. When Luke wakes up would you take him home? He lives not to far from your place, I'll make it up to you I swear. Thank you so much for letting us crash here for the night, I know I can always count on you.

I Sighed, great now I'm alone with him. I've always hated the feeling of being alone with a guy, I'm not used to it. I pick up the note, dropping it in the trashcan in the kitchen. Just as I turn around Luke is awake and alert and looking straight at me.

"Morning Luke" I said smiling awkwardly, he looks pale, well paler than usual and he has a funny look on his face. Then it hit me, he was shitfaced drunk last night and he probably has a horrid hangover. He suddenly stands up darting for the trashcan next to me, I feel so bad for him. I've never been drunk so I have no idea what a hangover feels like, but I don't think it's anything fun.

He finally stops and sits on the floor, leaning back on the cabinet behind him.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, I don't remember much from last night. Who are you?" He asks looking at me, his eyes are the prettiest shade of blue and his messy hair is so attractive, and his cute little black lip ring just pulls his whole look together. I find myself staring at him before I actually even answer him.

"I'm Kayla, Michael's best friend, he was too drunk to drive home last night so both of you just slept here. Since Michael was called into work unexpectedly it's just you and me here" I say, sitting down on the floor in front of him.

"I'm Luke, Michael's guy best friend," he chuckles "How come I've never met you before?" He questions.

I'm really not even sure how I've never met him before, I'm around Michael all the time, I've never even heard him talk about a Luke before.

"I'm not sure, I've never heard him talk about you" I shrug.

"Yeah, same here" He sighs.

"So, what do you think of his new hair color?" I ask, trying to make a conversation as we sit in my kitchen floor.

"Eh, it's not my favorite, I think the red looked the best out of all of the one's he's had so far, it fits his last name good," We both laughed. "What about you, do you like it?" He asked me back.

"Yeah, I mean it's a bit darker than the one he had a while ago, it's different. I think that's what I like most about him. He's not afraid to be different, never has been. But one of my favorites was his pink hair. I remember one time when we were younger I had this bag of cotton candy, and I stuck the blue part in his hair while he was asleep, he was so pissed off when he woke up, but it was worth it" Luke looked like he was crying, he was laughing so much.

When he calmed down from my story the hangover started really bothering him.

"Ugh, hangovers suck. Do you have any pain killers?" He asked me, I got up speed walking to my bathroom, opening up my mirror and grabbing the bottle of pills, making my way back to Luke.

I offered him my hand to help him up, he accepted it as I helped him to his feet. I handed him two pills, and went to pour him a glass of water.

He took the pills and said a quiet thank you.

"So Michael told me to take you home whenever you wake up, do you want to chill here for a little bit until the pills start working, or do you want me to just take you home now?" I asked him, hoping he would want to stay a little longer, I really like hanging out with him, he's...cool.

"Can I just lay down for a couple minutes if that's okay?"

"Of course, you can go lay down in my bed if you want, I'm gonna take a quick shower," He nods, following me down the hall to my room.

I quickly gather my things for a shower and put them in the bathroom.


Okay so kind of shortish second chapter, I'm sorry it's taken so long to put out an update. I've been working on my story outline getting everything together and such. The next chapter will be out soon. :)


Drunk // HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora