
69 10 6

I opened my eyes, I could see the sun shining through the curtains. I took in a deep breath.

I tried to move so I could stretch my body, but there was something stopping me. It was Luke.

I had forgotten that I fell asleep in the same bed as him last night.

I've never shared a bed with another person besides Michael. Of course that's normal because he's my best friend and we've been sharing the same bed since as far back as I can remember.

Even though I was still pretty pissed at him, I didn't want to move. It felt so relaxing and I liked it.

His arms were tight around my waist, the only thing I was able to move was my arms. After a couple of moments I figured that I would just close my eyes and go back to sleep.

Right when I was about to, I felt his arms loosen. I felt him moving, I looked over my shoulder to see he was still sound asleep, he had just moved to his other side.

It was already 10, I should get up and make some breakfast. I rolled out of bed, and slowly made my way to my kitchen seeing what I could cook up for me and Luke.

I pulled out some eggs, bacon and sausage. I fried up all of it and put the same amount on each plate.

I set the two plates on either side of the table. I turned around to get some utensils when I heard Luke strolling down the hallway.

As I turned around I saw Luke standing there, he had taken off his shirt and he was in the same jeans he was in last night. He had a very big and bright smile on his face.

This is something I pictured doing when I was married and had kids. But me and Luke, I don't know. I don't even think we are friends, I don't see us going anywhere in the future.

I gave a hand motion to him to join me at the table. I still didn't want to talk to him. If he couldn't explain to me why he ran out then I don't know why I should talk to him.

We both began eating, but after Luke had taken a couple bites he set his fork down and spoke up.

"Kayla you have no idea how sorry I am. Honestly, I'm pretty pissed off with myself," I didn't say anything, I just listened.

"I didn't want to take things too fast with you, I didn't want you to get the wrong impression of me. I especially didn't want you to think I was using you in any way. Kayla, I really like being around you. I was just cheated on and it just didn't feel right that only a couple days later I was kissing another girl. I didn't want you to think badly of me, because I really want us to hang out more. I know I should have explained myself right then and there but I didn't know what to say, my mind was all over the place and I couldn't think straight. I don't know if you're ever going to believe me, but I really am sorry." He finished, taking a breath.

I swear I thought I was going to cry. I felt bad for being mad at him, I'm mad at myself for not talking about this sooner. I bit my lip and thought to myself before speaking up,

"I forgive you Luke."

His head shot up and he had a huge smile on his face, he looked like a five year old when his Mum brought him home a new toy.

"Are you serious?" He got up, and stood in front of me.

I nodded and Luke attacked me with a hug.

After we finished up with our food I washed the dishes while Luke played on his phone. After a couple minutes I felt two arms wrap around my waist again. I could feel my face heat up, which I could NOT let him see.

I finished washing the dishes and I turned around. Me and Luke were only centimeters apart.

I just kinda admired him, all of his features. His eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue, and he had little stubble on his chin, which I found adorable. His hair was flattened and messy. His little black lip ring, the way when he gets upset he plays with it. All together he was absolutely breath taking and I could seriously just stare at him all day.

Luke pulled me into his chest, and I wrapped my arms around his body. I could hear his heartbeat. He rested his chin on top of my head and we just kinda stood there. Hugging each other.

"Hey Luke?" I ask, bringing my head up.

"Yeah?" He answered looking down at me.

"Will you stay with me again tonight?" I asked, nervous about what he would say.

I myself can't believe what just came out of my mouth. I like the feeling of being with him, I also like the feeling of having his arms around me.

"Of course" he said smiling

I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest when he agreed.

I went to put my head back on his chest before he stopped me.

"Wait, now it's my turn to ask you something," he said smirking.

Immediately I was scared, I didn't know what he would ask me.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked, trying to play off my nervousness.

"Do you wanna go see what Michael is up to later? I haven't talked to him since the night before I woke up here"

I smiled.

"Of course we can, I think it would be fun. But I also think that Michael would be shocked that we're friends now" I laughed.

"He can get over it" Luke laughed with me.


Hey guys! Sorry this is kinda short and boring, I was bored so I decided to put something out there!

Within the next few chapters I promise the story line is gonna get better so stick with me c:

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it! Vote/comment and I'll start on the next chapter ASAP!

I wanna know your thoughts on what's gonna happen.. So tell me them c:


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