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Me and Luke got dressed to head over to Michael's house. We decided on not telling him, we wanted to surprise him.

"You ready to leave?" He asked me, since I've taken so long to get ready.

"Yeah, let's go" I said smiling. He let me go first and we got into my car.

Michael didn't live too far from me, maybe a couple streets. I hate driving for a long time, even if it's for twenty minutes, I hate it. So it's a good thing he's right down the road.

Luke and I pulled into the driveway, seeing that there was another car in Michael's driveway. Which is unusual, Michael doesn't have people over a lot.

We walked up to the front door, I made my way up the stairs. When I was about to knock on his front door I heard loud noises coming from inside.

I turned to Luke with wide eyes and quickly made my way back down.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, sounds like Michael has a girlfriend"

Luke ran up the stairs and listened then busted out into laughter.

Michael has never had a girlfriend before, so this is quite different. I mean I don't really have any room to talk, I don't even like to admit that I've had one.

"Do you just wanna go see a movie instead?" Luke asked, seeming as we have nothing else to do.

"Yeah, sounds fun" I said as we walked back to my car.

After about fifteen minutes we arrived at the movie theatre. None of the movies that were playing really interested me.

"I think we should see Unfriended, everyone has been talking about it"

Of course, it didn't look all too interesting, kind of stupid really. But some people say it's good, so it's worth a shot.

"Well, then let's go get our tickets" I smiled at him, as I led him into the building.

After getting our tickets we sat down at the very top, it's where I always sit when I go to the movies.

The movie had finally started, it first it wasn't that good. The whole thing is on a computer.

A couple minutes into the movie Luke reached over and grabbed my hand, I could feel my heartbeat speed up, I tried to keep myself calm so I don't freak him out.

Through the movie I jumped a little and Luke would look at me and laugh, it's not that the movie was scary, just the loud noises would startle me and I would jump halfway out of my seat.

After the movie, me and Luke walked out still hand in hand, which made me happy that he didn't let go. I guess you could say it was kind of like a date? I mean I wish it was at least.

Luke didn't let go of my hand until we went to get in the car.

I have to say, I really enjoyed spending time with him, also he held my hand so that automatically makes everything about this day ten times better.

When we got back to my house I decided that I should probably cook dinner. I didn't really feel like cooking a lot so I'm making some simple macaroni and cheese.

"Can I shower real fast? Since I'm gonna be here again tonight?" Luke asked as I was making dinner.

"Yeah of course, the towels are under the sink and everything you need is in the shower" I said smiling at him.

He came up behind me and placed a small kiss on my cheek. "Thank you" he said before walking away and into the bathroom.

I swear, he doesn't have to do much to make my heart beat speed up.

After I had put the macaroni into two bowls I head the bathroom door open. I turned around to see Luke standing there with nothing but a towel hanging off of his hips.

"I need some boxers, you probably don't have any, but it was worth a shot" he laughed

I literally felt my breath stuck in my throat. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I finally stopped staring at him and motioned him to follow me to my room.

I looked through my drawers, coming across a pair of boxers. I turned around and handed them to Luke, receiving a strange look from him.

"They were Michael's, he left them here one time when he stayed the night with me" I laughed

"Gotcha" he laughed with me, before heading back to the bathroom to put them on. I still couldn't believe that I had worked up enough strength to actually ask him to stay again. Considering the only thing he's gonna be wearing tonight is those boxers, this is gonna be a long night.

I pulled out a pair of sleeping shorts and a tank top and quickly changed into those before he came back out of the bathroom.

When Luke came back we went back into the kitchen to get our food, then back to my room and got into bed.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked him, flipping through the movies on Netflix.

"American horror story" he said, with a huge smile on his face.

"I don't think I've ever heard of that, I said handing Luke the TV remote" as soon as those words left my mouth Luke stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Are you being serious?" He asked
I nodded, biting my lip, usually my life consists of pizza, laying in bed and Glee.

"It's my favorite show ever, absolutely amazing, I think you would love it!" He said excitedly quickly clicking on the first episode.

We ate our food as we watched, every now and then Luke would tell me small details about what was happening. I can say within the first fifteen minutes I was hooked.

After watching two episodes, I started to get really sleepy. I laid my head down on Luke's shoulder as he instantly realized I was about to fall asleep.

"Do you wanna go to sleep now?" He asked
Again, I nodded, scooting myself down under the covers as Luke did the same.

I laid my head on his chest and I reached up to grab his hand I felt his other hand rest on my back, he rubbed my back until I fell asleep.

Today was a good day.


Hello! I'm finally back with an update I'm so so sorry it's been a while since the last time. I got a bit caught up in school work plus I had to make up all my work from where I was out of school while I was sick omg pls forgive me /.\

Anyways here's a chapter

Thank you so much for reading and I'll update soon :)

I love you guys


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