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                                                                                          -Luke's POV-

After everything Kayla was telling me yesterday, it really had me thinking..she was right. Pretty soon everyone is gonna think we are actually dating, I mean I wish we were..

The look on her face when I told her that maybe we will actually have to start dating, was priceless. It's obvious that she has a crush on me, even though she acts like she doesn't want me to know, the look on her face told me everything I needed to know.

I need to think of the perfect way to ask her to be mine...

There are so many things that I could do, take her out for dinner? no...

Maybe to the park? eh....no

What about taking her shopping...? Girls like that right?.....still not the perfect way..

She will back from the store any minute now, I need to hurry..

Maybe I coul- WAIT I GOT IT!


                                                                     -Kayla's POV-

"Luke! Come help me with these bags!" I yelled into the house, it didn't take long for him to spring up off the couch and rush to help me.

Luke grabbed most of the bags, only leaving me two or three, I grabbed them and slammed the trunk shut and locked my car.

After putting everything away, I finally got to sit down. I had been on my feet for a while and sitting down was the only thing on my brain at the moment. The whole time we were putting stuff away, Luke had been antsy. He seemed happier than usual..weird..

I sat down on the couch, and Luke sat down seconds after me, his eyes were big and I could tell something was going on.

"Luke what is up with you, you won't sit still!" I said groaning laying my head on the back of the couch.

"I need you to go pack some clothes for a couple days" 

My head instantly snapped back up, "Um, what? Why?" I said looking at him.

"I'm stealing you away for the rest of your spring break, just trust me. I know you'll love it."

He got up, holding his hand out for mine, I rolled my eyes and took his hand. He lead me to my room, a suitcase already laid out on the bed.

I grabbed a couple outfits, undergarments, and other necessities. 

"Oh by the way, I'm driving" He said smiling at me.

"Well I would hope considering I have absolutely no idea where we are going" I said smirking at him.

"You can't know until we get there, it's a surprise"

Ugh, I hate surprises. But considering it's from Luke, I think i'll deal with it for once.

Luke carries my suitcase and we head out the door, Luke gets in the drivers seat and I hand him the keys.

"DO NOT wreck my car, Luke" I said warning him.

"I'm a good driver I swear" He said laughing, backing out of my driveway.

"Yeah you say that but you almost hit my mailbox" I laughed

"I did not! There was plenty enough room between me and the mailbox" he said defensively. 


"Oh, we need to stop by my house before we can hit the road, I need to get my stuff it will only take a second"

"be my guest" I said as he pulled into his driveway, he quickly got out and went inside.

It only took him like thirty seconds before he came back out with a suitcase in hand. he threw it in the back and then we were on our way.

"I'm warning you now, we will be in the car for like three hours, so you can take a nap if you want to"

I might just take him up on that offer..

"If I'm not up by the time we get there wake me up, alright?" I said, he nodded and I leaned my seat back.


"Kayla, Kayla get up" I felt Luke shaking me.

I woke up and we were parked in the parking lot of a hotel, I sat up, and got out looking around at where we were.

"Luke, where are we?" I said grabbing my stuff out of the back

"Well I think we are at a hotel, wouldn't you say?" He said laughing. 

I smacked him on the arm, "no I mean where are we?" 

"You'll see, we are only here to get a room and change, then I'm sure you'll get a hint"

After we got our room and we got inside, Luke handed me a bag.

"Go put this on"

I cautiously took the bag and headed for the bathroom. When I got in and closed the door, I looked inside.

It was a bikini, it was also Sea foam green, it was adorable. We must be going to a beach or pool or something considering he gave me this to change into..

After I was changed, and my hair was up I picked up my remaining clothes and went back into the room.

Luke was sitting on the bed, his back facing me.

"Luke, can you tell me why I'm wearing this?" He immediately turned around, a smile on his face.

"Well if you haven't already realized, we are going to the beach. While you were at the store I had Michael's girlfriend go pick up a swim suit for you, it looks amazing on you by the way" he said coming towards me.

"C'mon lets get to the beach" He smiled and led me back down to the car.

This should be interesting..


okay so this was kinda boring, but it's just leading into a big part of the story

I promise it will get better omg.


I didn't have anything to update on so like YEAH

but it gave me loads of time to work on my plot line, and I think this story could really go somewhere


anyways yeah, comment, vote and all that stuff for the next chapter :)

also if there are any mistakes I'M SO SORRY OKAY JUST IGNORE THEM


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