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-Luke's POV-

I've been trying for the past hour to fall asleep, but for some reason I just can't. I heard a vibrate come from Kayla's phone, it's been going off all night. Maybe that's why I can't sleep. I picked it up off the table to turn it off when she got a text message that really got my attention.

From: Asshole.

Saw you with some guy at the movies, he your new fucktoy? Wouldn't surprise me if you're only with him for the sex.

I felt my body tense up, who the hell is this? I text back, trying to hold back my anger.

To: Asshole.

It's my life, therefore it's none of your business. He's not a fucktoy, he's my boyfriend.

I sighed, even though I know that isn't at all true, I wish it was.
What did it mean by fucktoy? She hasn't showed any signs at all of even wanting to have sex, what the hell is this person even talking about?

I was pulled from my thoughts when another message showed up.

From: Asshole.

It's a shocker you haven't opened up your legs for him yet, slut.

That's it, I can't hold back my anger anymore.

To: Asshole.

Alright listen this is her boyfriend, Luke. She's no where near anything to a slut so you need to leave her the hell alone before I do something about it, dick.

I waited a couple minutes for the person to message back, but no more messages came through. I could feel my eyelids start to shut, so I quickly erased the text messages and put her phone back down.

-Kayla's POV-

I wake up, still curled into Luke's side. I can't believe I didn't move at all. Usually I move all over in my sleep.

Luke gently stirs and opens his eyes, and smiles at me.

"Good morning sleepy head" I laugh at him.

"Morning" he says back, his morning voice is incredibly deeper than his actual voice, it doesn't even sound like him.

My phone vibrates and I pick it up seeing a message from my ex, why is he texting me?

"Who is it?" Luke asks, his voice full of curiosity.

"My ex, but I have no idea why he would be texting me."
I opened it to see something weird.

From: Asshole.

Fuck off.

What the hell?

"Luke did you have my phone last night?"

"Well funny story really-"

I cross my arms and waited for him to continue.

"Last night after you fell asleep, I couldn't get to sleep because your phone kept going off. So when I picked it up to turn it off a message came through from that dick head and he said that he saw us at the movies and he called me your fucktoy and I went off on him"

I sighed, of course with my luck he would be at the movies the same day as me.

"Thank you Luke, I appreciate you standing up for me"

"Of course, but why did he refer to me as a fucktoy?"

I took a deep breath, this question would have came up sooner or later.

"He's my ex boyfriend, and well we didn't end on very good terms. He broke up with me because I wouldn't have sex with him, then he told the whole school that I had sex for money and of course everyone believed him. My rep was ruined. The funny things is, is that I'm a virgin. Everyone thinks that I have sex with every guy I see but in all honesty I haven't even found someone that I would want to do that with. I didn't want to lose my virginity to him, he was such an ass. Looking back now, I'm really glad I didn't. I want my first time to be special, and in the back of his car was not special."

Luke was listening very carefully trough the whole thing, I could see how mad he was getting just by looking at him.

"I'm gonna kill him" Luke said, I shook my head.

"He's not worth it, I just want him to leave me alone."

"I may have left out a small detail, I told him we were dating." Luke said looking at me.

Oh how I wish that was true, I thought to myself.

"That's fine, but pretty soon everyone is gonna think we are dating" I laughed.

"Maybe we will actually just have to start dating" he said smiling at me, I swear my heart stopped beating as soon as the words left his mouth.



I'm back ;)

Anyways here is a little update, sorry I got off tack on my updating.

I hope you liked it even though it was poorly written 😂

Vote and comment for the next part :)

Whoever leaves the sweetest comment gets a dedication and I'll make you an edit :)

(Even though no one will comment) *cries*

I love you guys


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