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I wake up to the sound of a loud knocking. I quickly jump out of bed and run to the door. I had a tiny bit of hope that it would be Luke, standing on my doorstep.

Instead I open the door to a guy, in casual clothing, holding a box out to me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, really confused.

The guy was young, and in casual clothing, usually mail men are in their 30's and wearing a uniform.

"This is for you" He said, handing me the box, and walking away. I shut my door and brought the box to my room, gently placing it on my bed. I grabbed my pocket knife from my desk and opened up the box.

The box was packed with posters of all the bands I love, maybe from Michael?

I suddenly stop, taking out the last poster, which happened to be of my favorite band, Nirvana.

I pick it up, admiring it. I swear, I thought I was about to cry. I put it aside with the others and I looked into the box to see a shirt, with a note laying on top of it. I picked up the note and it read:

Call me as soon as you get this :)

No name was attached to the note, or anywhere in the box but I knew who it was, there was only one person besides Michael who knew how much I loved Nirvana; Luke. It had to be Luke, I've been best friends with Michael forever and he would never do something like this.

I picked up the shirt holding it up, it was a casual black shirt with the Nirvana symbol in yellow. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Luke.

"Well I see you got the package, and I see you knew exactly who it was" He said, I could hear him chuckle into the phone.

"Obviously, you're the only other person who knows I love Nirvana, but how did you know about the other bands I like?"

"I asked Michael, plus I went off of the clues to find out which genres you liked and such, but hey I have another surprise for you"

"I hope it doesn't involve going anywhere, because it's too early for that Luke"

"It's like 4?"

"What's your point?"

"Just look outside your window"

I hung up the phone, and walked over to my window, seeing Luke standing directly in front of my window. He was wearing an identical Nirvana shirt to the one I had in my hand. I motioned at him to come inside.

As soon as he walked in my room, I attacked him with a hug.

"Thank you so much Luke, I really appreciate it"

"You're welcome, you're room is pretty plain, it bothered me" he laughed and I slapped him in the arm.

"So you need help hanging these bad boys?" I laughed at the term bad boys and nodded.

"But first I'm gonna go change into my snazzy new shirt that my fake boyfriend got me" I winked walking to the bathroom, changing shirts.

I walked back in to see that Luke has spread out the posters neatly on my bed, he looked at me and smiled, pulling tape out of his back pocket and waving it in the air, then gently tossing it on the bed, making me laugh.

We neatly hung the posters up all around my room, of course, I made him put the Nirvana one above my bed. When we were finally done I fell back onto my bed. I had just gotten relaxed when I felt a pillow smack me across the face.

I open my eyes to see Luke standing over me with my pillow, with a smirk on his face.

"Two can play at that game" I said standing up grabbing a pillow hitting him with it.

He stood up on my bed and we had an actual pillow fight, like little teenage girls.

Of course I won, Luke was laying breathless on his back on my bed. I sat down beside him and crossed my legs. He sat up, and crossed his legs too.

We just kinda looked at each other for a couple seconds before Luke started to lean in.

I could basically hear my heartbeat, it sounded like it was gonna beat out of my chest.

I started to lean in too, and then he finally closed the gap between us.

I moved my hand up to his cheek and then he quickly pulled away, looking at me.

"I'm so sorry" He said, sounding out of breath as he got up and left me sitting there, speechless, breathless, and seriously confused.


Hello :) Okay so here's another chapter...I hope you enjoyed it omg I'm sorry for the little cliffhanger...(maybe)

Anyways, do you guys want more? cx Comment and vote and such if you do c: It motivates me into writing faster cx


Drunk // HemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant