Chapter 2 📚

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Enzo's POV ;

Alyona had gotten shot in her knee, but I ended up shooting the dude. I grabbed Alyona in a bridal style. Hopefully she will make it.

"I'm not dead, I'm going to get you back". The dude said trying to get up but he couldn't.

"Enzo I fucking hate you so much. You can't take me home, my mom is going to be worried I can't deal with her right now". Alyona said.

I took her out from the back because I didn't want to go from the big crowd of people having fun and when we got to the car I placed her in the back seat.

"Alyona I'm going to take you to my house because my parents were supposed to stay over at your house tonight so now one will be home". I said looking back to the backseats and Alyona was just in a different world.

When I got to my house I picked Alyona back up in that same way and brought her upstairs into my bathroom. I left really quickly to go find the first aid kit and it was in my parents bottom cabinet so I grabbed it.

"Alyona, it might hurt a little bit but let's hope it's not that bad okay? Or else I'm going to take you to the hospital so you could get the actual treatment you need". I said looking up and she was staring at my eyes.

Alyona's dress was kind of fucked up because of the blood on her knee, the wound wasn't deep so that's good. But I could see it hurt to touch it. I got the bullets out her knee, they weren't bad so.

I cleaned the wound up with hydrogen peroxide and put a bandage around her whole knee so it could heal.

"Just wash your knee like what 2-3 times a day to keep it from getting germs". I told her as I cleaned up the trash and threw it away, I took the bullet holes and wrapped them into a napkin and threw them out too.

"Thanks Enzo, I'm going to just find a way to sneak inside the house because I can't go home with this bloody dress, they won't fall asleep until we come back too. What are we supposed to do''? Alyona asked, trying to get up.

"So I could either wash your dress really quickly and you wear something of mine or I could take you to Anastasia's house but I'm going to have to drive there and waste more time". I said help her.

"Just give me something random, my mom would probably be worried about me and take my dress". Alyona said, getting up.

I gave her grey nike shorts with a sweatshirt of mine that I didn't really care about and I took her dress and put it into the washer with cold water or else the dress would get fucked up even more.

"Enzo what the fuck, your shorts are literally falling off am I supposed to just keep pulling them up"? Alyona asked. I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't know what to say.

The washer finally finished and what I did was take a cotton fabric towel and I tried drying it with that and it took less than an hour.

I gave her the dress and we left. Since I wasn't staying at Alyona's tonight I dropped her off and said my goodbye to everyone and left for the club.

Hours have passed by and tonight I had fun, I saw a couple of my friends and caught up with them. When I got into my car I saw Alyona's purse on the ground in the back. I had Alyona's phone number but I didn't even text her.

And I wanted to give it to her today, so I drove all the way back there. But it was 02:34 am, she wouldn't open the damn door and no one else would because they were all probably sleeping. Since her room is facing the front part of the house.

I could just sneak into her room from the balcony. Without trying to get caught. But when I got to her house, she was at the balcony smoking her cigarette, I never knew she smoked. I'm guessing everyone but her mother.

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