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Within thirty seconds of closing the door, Rose knew her mother was in a bad state. 

A heavy drinker, Sara Bois was prone to angry fits and with Mike out of the house, there was no one but Rose to take the brunt of it.

"Where the hell have you been," Sara slurred from the kitchen.

Rose froze, all too aware of how the next few moments could play out. There was no escaping their drunken anger this time – her bedroom was up the stairs behind where they sat at the kitchen table.

"Probably off with the football team," her stepfather said heavily. His words were thick with rye and when he spoke tiny bits of spittle flew from his mouth to land on the table.

"Stupid girl," Sara said. "Look at you, just standing there."

A hard, bitter sadness settled in Rose's chest the way it always did when Sara drank too much. 

Years of experience had taught Rose that there was nothing she could do to try and coax her mother out of her angry haze, especially not with Ron right beside her, edging Sara's tumbling thoughts on. Rose didn't bother looking at her stepfather but walked silently past the table where they sat, pretending she was a ghost.

When she made it to her room, Rose pulled her cellphone from her purse and called Gail. 

"Hello?" Gail answered, her mouth full.

"Hasn't your mother ever taught you not to talk with your mouth full?" Rose laughed.

Gail mumbled something incomprehensible.

"Swallow that before you choke! Last thing I need is to get called to come to your funeral."

"So the date didn't go well?" Gail asked. "You know, I really thought he was going to be-"

"No, no, no. That date was really great actually. Everything was perfect until I came home."

"Uh oh," Gail said knowingly. "Sara and Ron?"

"The usual. You know, I don't even know why it still surprises me."

"I don't think it's something you ever get used to." Rose heard crunching on the other end of the phone - Gail had grabbed another handful of whatever she was eating.

"Tell you what," Gail offered, "I'm bored silly sitting around here. How about we head out and grab a drink and you can tell me all about Jake. It sounds like you guys had fun and I want to hear all about it. Why let your mom and Ron ruin a good day?"

"You're right. I'll meet you in ten?"

"Sounds good," Gail agreed. "I'll wait for you in the garden and we can head up to Joe's. You sound like you need a milkshake."

"What would I do without you??

Taking a deep breath, Rose exhaled the sadness of the last ten minutes and focused on how much fun she'd had with Jake that afternoon. She stood in front of the mirror, gazing at her reflection, and remembered the feel of his lips on hers. 

Thinking of the way his hands had run through her hair sent shivers down Rose's spine and she smiled. Before she knew it, a light pattering of pebbles on her window caught her attention. 

Gail stood below, smiling. Rose shimmied out the window, pausing for a moment out of habit in case there were footsteps approaching her door. 

For the umpteenth time, she cursed herself for caring and hopped down to the garden.

The night was warmer than average, a sure sign that spring was arriving in Summerland, and the walk didn't take long. They quickly found a booth and sat down until Joe came over.

"What can I get you girls?" he said with his maritime burr.

"Two milkshakes," Gail smiled. "Chocolate and strawberry."

"And food?" Joe asked. "Can't have the two of you wanderin' around, getting' into trouble on an empty stomach, now can we?"

"Just fries, please," said Gail.

"Actually Joe, can you make that onion rings?" Rose asked. Gail nodded happily.

"Alrighty ladies, onion rings it is," Joe said. "Celebratin' anything special tonight?"

"Rose had a date!" Gail squealed.


"What? He was super cute. Joe, you should've seen him!"

"A date eh? What's his name, should I keep a look out for him around here?" Joe winked.

"I don't think you know him yet," Rose replied. "He's new in town - just drove out from Toronto with a buddy yesterday."

"From Toronto eh?" Joe shook his head. "You watch out, missy. Those big city boys, they're trouble. Always up to no good." Joe wagged a finger at Rose and then wandered back into his kitchen.

Gail watched him go then turned to Rose and grinned. "Okay, spill."

"Spill what?"

"You know what! Come on, tell me how the date went. Every dirty detail."


"You know you want to."

"Well, it wasn't like that. Jake seems like a really great guy. Really, really great, actually," Rose blushed. "I like him."

"Yay!" Gail clapped her hands. "So, are you seeing him again?"

"I'm not sure," Rose said. "I think so - I mean, we didn't make other plans or anything but he asked if he could see me again. He has my phone number so maybe he'll call."

Joe came back with tall glasses of frothy milkshake in each hand and set them down in front of Rose and Gail.

"Enjoy, ladies," he grinned.

"Thanks, Joe," they said back.

Gail sipped her milkshake silently for a minute before asking the question Rose didn't want to hear.

"No word from Danny still?"

Rose sighed. "No. He's with his brother, partying in the new apartment. He's not supposed to be back until next weekend."

"And have you thought about what he said? At all?"

"No. Yes. Sort of. I don't know, I've just been enjoying the day. Danny has been the last thing on my mind." Rose stirred the frothy milkshake with her straw. 

"You know, with Jake today it felt really ... nice. I don't know why but already I trust him not to go and be a jerk." Rose shook her head. 

"With Danny, it's different. I know if some dick ever hurt me, Danny would punch his face in. But he wouldn't even think of the consequences of doing that. He'd just act out of anger. I know him and I trust Danny to a certain degree, but he's unpredictable. I never know what he's going to do next and that scares me sometimes."

"That's true," Gail allowed. "He is unpredictable - and wild."

"This week, I'm not going to worry about Danny. I'm not going to think about what he said or what he wants me to decide. I'm just going to think about what's right in front of me. And right now, that's these onion rings," Rose said as Joe set the steaming hot platter in front of her and Gail.

"Let's just forget about the boys for the rest of the night," said Gail. "Sound good?"

Rose dipped her onion ring in ketchup and stuck it in her mouth, licking the grease from her finger. "Sounds like a plan to me."

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