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Rose carefully tucked the last box into the back of her car. 

The shoebox she had kept for years, filled with pictures and clippings of the life she wanted for herself, sat neatly on top of her two suitcases on the worn back row. Sunshine broke through the clouds and burned off the faint fog still clinging to the ground in the early morning. 

 It was a new year and she was making a new start – and she couldn't have asked for a more perfect January morning for her drive out.

Gail and Danny perched on Nelly-Belle's front hood, watching her. 

 "You are sure, aren't you?" Gail asked.

"Look, Gail," Rose laughed, putting an arm around Gail and giving a gentle squeeze. "I know you think I should stay. But I need to go - and I'll be fine. Trust me."

"I do." Gail played with the loose string on her jacket. "I'm just going to miss you, that's all."

Rose felt her throat tighten and her eyes burned. "I'm going to miss you too. But we'll see each other soon – I'll Facetime you as soon as I'm in my new place."

"Text me whenever you pull over so I know you haven't crashed somewhere, okay?"

"Promise," Rose laughed. "But don't worry," she nudged her friend, "I'll make it there in one piece."

Turning to Danny, she smiled. There wasn't much they needed to say after everything they'd been through, and Rose reached out to hug him. Danny hugged her back, still smelling vaguely of leather and motor oil, like he had since they were fifteen and he bought his first car. 

More than anything, she wished that Jake had come to see her off but after the way things ended, it was no surprise that he couldn't be bothered.

"Here," Danny said, tucking the small, carefully wrapped box into her hand.

"What's this?" Rose protested. "Danny, you didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh shut up, Rose," he grinned. "As if I wouldn't. And don't worry - it's not expensive."

"Should I open it now?"

"No, wait until you're at the city limits sign," he insisted. "Remember how we all used to go park out there when you first moved here? Talking about how we'd run away one day, just leave and never look back."

"I remember," Rose smiled. "Thank you. I'll open it as soon as I get there."

Soon there was nothing left to do but say goodbye. Even though she had dreamed of this moment for years, it was hard to leave with the two of them right there in front of her. They were her best friends, and Rose brushed away a tear that stuck in her eyelashes.

"Okay," she said, feeling her voice waver. "One more group hug. Last time, I promise."

They leaned in close and Rose breathed in the scents of her little family - leather and car smells for Danny, bubble gum and vanilla for Gail. 

To Rose, they smelled like home.

She pulled away first, brushing another tear from her cheek. "I love you guys," she smiled.

"Get in the car, Rose," Danny nudged her. "We love you too. And we'll see you soon - promise."

"Talk to you later," Gail whispered, smiling at Rose.

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