A Strange Feeling

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The tiny piece of paper crinkled in Jake's hand as he rolled it up.

After four months of night school and weekend classes at Summerland Regional College, he had finally earned a certificate in small business management. It wasn't much, admittedly, compared to the degrees in business administration and commerce that other kids his age were getting, but it set him apart from the cable installation lifers at Mr. Smithers' company.

For the first time in a long time, he felt like the life he wanted for himself was coming together.

The moon shone brightly on Lake Okanagan as he drove home from class in the December darkness. Rain pattered on the windshield and he shivered, looking forward to a hot shower when he got him.

When he arrived home, he found Will on the couch with a bottle of whisky in his hands, eyes glued to the TV screen with a glum expression on his face. Will wasn't normally one for drinking liquor on his own but this seemed like a special occasion. 

"What are you doing?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Will said. He leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand

"You're the worst liar in the world. What's up?"

Will sighed, tipping back the dregs of whiskey in a glass beside him and pouring another inch.

"How did you know, with Rose?" he asked, brow furrowed.

"Know what?"

"You know – how did you know?"

"I don't know, man," Jake answered, crouching down beside his friend. "I just saw her and there was something there." He paused, mulling over their first meeting in his mind. "There was something about her - a spark, maybe. And then after our first date, there was something deeper that I saw that made me want to know her better. And the more I knew, the more I liked."

"But how did you know that she felt the same way?

"Well, when she kissed me on the dance floor at Dusty's, I figured that was probably a good indication," Jake laughed.

His friend frowned.

"For real though?" Jake asked. "I think it was during the first bonfire. You know, the one where her ex showed up? When he was standing there in front of her, I realized I was afraid of her picking him. I wanted her to pick me."

"What if nothing has really happened though?" Will asked. "What about when you're just friends but you think there might be something more?"

"Well," Jake said carefully, "that would depend on the girl, I guess." He knew his friend was talking about Gail but didn't want to scare him off this conversation by making him declare it before he was ready.

"I mean, she's not really seeing that Leo guy anymore, is she?" Will mused out loud. "I haven't seen him around much since summer."

"That's true," Jake admitted.

"So if someone was to make a move, it's not like there's really anyone else in the picture."

Jake nodded. "That makes it your move."

Will nodded, a determined look in his eye. "I guess it does."

"Want some food?" Jake rose, heading over to the kitchen. Will nodded. Jake grabed a bag of Cheetos from the cupboard and swapped Will's whiskey for a can of Coke.

"Good call, man." Will scratched his head, stretching. "So, how about you and Rose, eh?"

Jake tipped back his Coke, swallowing a mouthful. "What about me and Rose?"

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