Into The Bush

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When the weekend finally rolled around, Rose couldn't wait for a break from work.

The weather had warmed up over the last week and the weathermen were saying that spring had finally sprung in Summerland.  The evenings were perfect for sitting around a big bonfire and had both Rose and Gail craving a good bush party.

"So, what are we doing tonight? Gail asked, plopping down on Rose's bed after a double shift at the café. 

"I don't know," Rose mused. "I'll check with Beth to see if anything's happening."

Rose reached for her cellphone to text her friend but before she could, it rang.

"No way!" Gail scooted away from the ringing phone. "Creepy."

"Hello?" Rose answered.

  "Hey, it's Jake."

  "Hey, how are things?"

"Good, good," Jake replied. "Will's sitting in a food coma over here- we just got back from that little burger place in town and I think he had enough to feed a family for a year."

"Oh, you found Joe's?" Rose asked brightly. "I love that place, did you get a chance to meet the owner?"

  "Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy." 

"Any Internet down there yet? Or are you still living in the Dark Ages?"

Jake laughed. "We're setting it up tomorrow. In the mean time, at least there's cell service."

"That's always a plus."

"Anyways, I was calling to see what you're up to tonight," Jake said. "It's our first Friday in the cabin and since we managed to make it a full week without dying or burning the place down, we're having a bonfire and barbecue."

"You're celebrating not burning the place down by lighting a massive fire?" Rose laughed. "Sounds perfect."

"Great," Jake said, relieved. "We've got a ton of beer and stuff down here, and firewood too. Why don't you bring your friends along? I know Will wouldn't mind seeing Gail again."

Rose heard grunting and shuffling on the other end of the line. She stifled a laugh with her hand, picturing Will smacking Jake.

"How's nine o'clock sound?" Jake asked, slightly out of breath.

"That's great," Rose replied. "We'll be there."

"Okay, see you then."

"See you."

Rose hung up the phone and turned to Gail. "So, we've got plans," she grinned. "We're going to a bonfire. At Jake O'Neil's place."

"Oh, we are, eh?" Gail teased. "Just like that?"

"Just like that." Rose poked her friend in the ribs. "Will's going to be there, you know," she offered. "Jake said he wants to see you."

"He does?" Gail brightened. "He was cute..."

"He was very cute," Rose nodded. "And it looked like he thought you were pretty cute too."

"So what time do they want us there?"

"Nine. And I told Jake we'd bring some people, so we should call Beth and the girls, for real this time."

"Oh, and I'll have to call my mom. You know how she is - always wants to know where I am."

Digging through her closet, Rose pulled out her favourite jeans and a leopard-print crop top.

Mike had briefly dated a local punk girl before getting kicked out and Rose had found the leopard-print top buried behind the cushion of their living room couch.

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