A Birthday Surprise

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The next month seemed like a blur to Rose.

Her relationship with Jake grew closer and soon hardly a day went by when they didn't talk or see each other. Before she knew it, the end of April was upon them and with it, her birthday. She decided to have a barbecue and Jake offered to host. Gail and Will had been quick to offer their help with decorating.

Rose couldn't help but be grateful at how well Gail and Will got along. Often, the four of them would go out together and spend an evening laughing and dancing at Dusty's without anyone feeling like a third wheel. As much as Rose tried to encourage a relationship between them, Gail swore repeatedly that there was nothing going on.

Not one to ruin a good thing, Rose kept quiet on the matter but kept a watchful eye on her two friends, waiting for any sign of interest from either.

She had dropped off a note earlier in the week for Mike to let him know about the party but still hadn't heard back from him. Her brother was notoriously difficult to get a hold off and realistically, she probably wouldn't know whether he was coming until he showed up.

When the day arrived, Rose drove to Jake's to get started on setting up. Plastic bags of balloons, paper plates and red plastic cups filled her trunk.

"What do you think of these?" Jake asked innocently. He had somehow found two huge, hideous green lizard piñatas, each with google-y eyes and felt pink tongues. He was hanging them on either side of the front door when Rose pulled up and ran out of her car.

"Oh my god, no!" she laughed, trying without success to grab the creatures from Jake. "Where on earth did you find those?"

"Bruce has kids," he explained, nodding to where his coworker sat drinking a beer on the lawn. "He has connections."

"What sad, twisted person would give these to their children," Rose asked in mock indignation. "They're terrifying!"

"They're not that bad," Jake cocked his head, examining them. "I mean, the eyes are a little creepy but once you get past that ..."

Rose tossed a twig at his head. It missed, hitting the creature on the nose.

"Hideous," she grinned.

"So hideous that I should take them down or just hideous enough to be kind of cute?" Jake dangled them in front of her teasingly. "There's candy in them," he offered hopefully.

"Sour candy?" Rose inquired eagerly.

"Maybe ..." Jake winked.

"Fine," she gave in. "How can I say no to candy?"

"Exactly," Jake nodded happily. "Plus they're just awesome."

"I can't decide - are they trying to be dragons or just regular lizards?"

"Maybe iguanas?" Bruce offered thoughtfully.

"Or komodo dragons," Will shouted. "Those things are badass - you dad had a magazine with one on the cover," he said to Jake.

"You actually read one of my dad's National Geographics?" Jake asked.

"Well, not exactly," Will admitted bashfully, "but I did read the side column with the fun facts about komodos. Those things tell you everything you need to know."

"Enlighten us, then," Rose laughed.

Will launched into an excited tirade about the incredible komodo dragon, explaining its poisonous bite and its remote existence in a secluded area of the world. He gestured animatedly with his hands to convey its size and strength, knocking into one of the dangling lizards in the process.

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