Beneath The Beating Sun

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After five hours crammed in the Mustang with Will, Rose, Gail and Leo, Jake needed to get out - sooner rather than later. 

The long, winding drive from Summerland to Williams Lake had been fun for the first two and a half hours until the mid-summer sun reached its peak in the sky. 

With five people and no air conditioning, the Mustang quickly turned into a sauna, even with all the windows open. It was safe to say that they were all looking forward to jumping into the lake as soon as they got to their campsite.

"Look at the name of this highway," Will guffawed, chuckling to himself at the wheel. "It's Caribou. Caribou Highway," he said, waiting for everyone to join in laughing with him. When no one's response matched his enthusiasm, he shook his head, disappointed.

"Seriously, where did all the excitement go?" he teased. "We're heading to a real live rodeo for Canada Day, with cowboys and real horses and everything! That's fucking amazing."

"You're such a city boy," Rose teased.

"Am not."

"Are too," she laughed. "Leo, how many rodeos have you been to?"

"Well, I'm probably not the best person to ask," Leo grinned. "Grew up in Calgary so my dad and I went to the Stampede every year."

"Gail?" Rose prodded.

"A few," Gail smiled.

"Hicks," Jake teased. "Maybe Will and I are just cultured and sophisticated." 

Will chose that moment to let loose a loud burp.

"You couldn't wait five minutes until I had made our point, could you?" Jake reached over to smack his friend's shoulder.

"Better out than in, I always say," Will shrugged.

"Look, here's the campground." Gail said, pointing out the window to the faded blue, green and white sign that read 'Williams Lake Family Camping.'

"'Family' camping? No one said anything about 'family' camping," Will groaned. "I brought beer and pot!"

"Good," Rose and Gail said in unison.

"Seriously, you thought Summerland was small town - just wait until you get a view of this place," Leo grinned.

With a skeptical look at each of them, the middle-aged ranger waved them through the park gates and towards the direction of their campsite. They drove to the end of a long dirt road where it turned off into a wooded enclave. Thick trees hid the campsite from the main road but beyond them, the site faced out to Williams Lake with a large fire pit by the shore.

"I thought we'd never get here," Will sighed happily.

Jake stood up, feeling his muscles unravel after five hours in the car. He debated for a moment whether he should start setting up the tents before going for a swim.

A sideways grin from Rose sealed his decision.

"Last one in has to get firewood!" he shouted, running for the water. 

Stripping down to his underwear, he raced to the sandy shore and straight into the cool water. Rose was right behind him, shedding her blouse and cut-offs. She ran into the lake, submerging herself completely before coming up for air. 

With water droplets trailing down her tanned skin, she glimmered in the sunlight. Jake couldn't take his eyes off of her. 

He waded over and pulled her close, feeling her bare skin against his as the sun beat down on them.

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