{The Mystery of the Weird Guy}

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{ Hola ~^o^~ I was on a very long hiatus duh and I'd forgotten about this book lol (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠━⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚ I'm here with a new update (⁠/⁠¯⁠◡⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠◡⁠)⁠/⁠¯⁠ ⁠~ Enjoy ☺️❤️ }


I'm Sam Lodge. I'm a girl that's never interested in social life and always is sticking to my phone chatting with a only bestfriend Kate. Although my whole school calls me a loner but I don't care.

I'd like to tell a very horrible moment of my whole life.
It was on a summer vacation when I was really busy with my summer works. I was in my aunt's house with Kate and my brother Sebastian as I don't have a mom and dad and yes, I'm an orphan. It was an heating afternoon, when my brother me and Kate were playing badminton after lunch. "Haha, can't beat me you losers!" Sebastian said mocking me with an evil smile. "Just you wait..." I said challenging my brother. After a long match Seb was beaten by me. He tried to mock me again but I gave him a smirk. He walked away with a poker face. Hours later, it was evening and I was playing Uno with Kate. I heard a knock on my window. I went towards my window and opened it so see who's it. No one was there, it was weird because my aunt's house is surrounded with woods, therefore my aunt lived in a cabin. I ignored the sound and continued playing with Kate. Some minutes later, again that knocking sound. I stood up and opened the window and shouted, "Who's this!? Can't you come in front and stop disturbing us!?", I looked at Kate to only finding her to have a sweating face. She pointed a finger behind me and when I looked behind me, I saw a weird guy standing. He was muttering something, something with a devilish smile. He looked at me and I was horrified by his face as it was white, the eyeballs were white, head cut in half making his brain visible, right side of mouth was sliced to ear, teeth were shown and the skully face like he hasn't eaten anything for years. He slowly and silently spoke, "are wyi Racgheldn?" I can't understand what he was saying, with this he came closer to me, with a big knife. I acted fast and slammed the window while he was trying to open my window. After sometime, he stopped and went towards the main door. Kate ran towards the main door and hopefully it was locked but, the backdoor. I rushed to the back doors and saw it was wide open that means he had access to our house. We locked the kitchen as it was connected to the backdoor where no other rooms were connected. I went to check in aunt while Kate went to check on Sebastian. We were returning to our room while I heard the kitchen door trying to open. I whispered to Kate, "Call the police... Now!", and she went to the living room and dialled the nearest police station. I woke up my aunt and brother to warn them.

"We are on our way miss! Make sure to keep the kitchen door locked or planked". The police were on their way to our cabin. My aunt and brother had hid in a huge box in our cabin. Kate was blocking the kitchen door but as soon as he started making a hole, I pulled Kate as she can get stabbed by the weird guy. I heard the police's siren, and that's when I felt a bit relieved. When police went to check the backdoor and kitchen, no one was there, a hole on the kitchen door and scratches on the counter and the door. The police said that, "The man had ran away in the woods while he heard police's siren. He was the one who killed his own daughter Rachel and his whole family". I was still worrying about the fact that if we move to our house, then our aunt will be in serious danger if this guy breaks into her house. So we transferred to another school near to our aunt's cabin. We never saw the guy again.

{ Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments how was this? Bye ratsss!!  ☺️✨ }

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