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Alex P.O.V:

Waking up today took a lot of effort since I stayed up late last night finishing up my school homeworks and projects.

A couple of days have passed since I last encountered Owen at my school. To be honest, I was actually sort of glad I haven't met him again. He was always acting mysterious and suspicious. Always hiding something.

Anyways, today is Friday and I decided that I might as well have a walk in the woods. My house was at the edge of the forest, so it was always easy going there for walks. Normally, girls would be scared to enter a forest due to the amount of insects and wild animals in it, but not me. I enjoy going into the woods.

I ate my breakfast quickly, which consisted of pancakes, and I quickly packed my backpack, ready to go. I grabbed my pocket knife and placed it in my pocket. I normally keep this with me when I am in the forest incase I met any dangerous creature in there. I knew how to use it and I even trained on throwing it before.

When I got out of the house I stretched out, relaxing my muscles and preparing them for the long walk. There wasn't much wind today but it was still cool. It was a perfect day for a morning walk.

I sauntered through the woods for about half an hour before I heard crunching of leaves nearby. I knew it wasn't me. I quickly squatted down while turning around real fast toward the source of the sound. I gripped on my pocket knife incase something attacked. I couldn't see anything with all the thick undergrowth covering up the whole place. I waited in this position for about five minutes but nothing happened and nobody popped out of the bushes, so I finally let my muscles relax.

I turned around and was just about to place my foot on the ground when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. At least I thought I did. However, this was the second sign of something stalking me. First the crunching of leaves, now movement.

I wasn't going to wait and find out what, if anything at all, was watching me. In less than five seconds I was already on my feet, running away from whatever was there. I was heading back to my house but I decided to take a long route incase who or whatever this person or thing may be didn't know where my house is, and I certainly didn't want them to know.

I heard another set of feet following me but I didn't bother to look back. Any predator around in this area would have probably caught up to me now. So now I was pretty sure it was a person, not an animal. This person has been trying his/her best to hide his/her self but now it was too late. I already found them out.

When I finally reached my house, I was panting heavily. It wasn't like it was my first time to run for a long time while being chased by an unknown person, but I still couldn't get used to panicking like this.

This is the second time in one week to get followed and chased by someone. However, this time, this person was just watching me. He/She didn't attempt to attack me. I was grateful for that, but I still didn't feel safe.

Actually, this wasn't the first or second time for me to not feel safe this week. Yesterday when I was shopping for house needs, I've seen a man wearing a black, leather jacket with black pants and black shoes following me.

At first, I thought it was coincidence that I kept bumping into him every now and then, but it became obvious afterwards that he was following me, after so many times of seeing him. I quickly paid for my stuff and ran out. Thank god the store really crowded yesterday and so I was able to lose him.

I suddenly heard knocking on my door, cutting me from my thoughts. I became alarmed almost immediately. What if this was the person who was following me? Were they back for me now that I knew they were following me? Wait, wouldn't they just burst into my house if they want to hurt me? Or maybe they thought the sound of them crashing into my house would get me running away and escaping them? God, I got to learn not to overthink stuff.

I had my hand in my pocket and was clutching my pocket knife tightly while heading out to open the door. Even if there was a big possibility that no one dangerous was standing out there, it still made me more safer just having my knife with me. I grabbed the handle of the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door...

Hehe >-< made this chapter end with a cliff hanger too! Sorry, I just love doing that! I rechecked this for any mistakes, but if you find any please tell me. If you like this chapter, please be sure to vote or comment. It's really easy! Thanks for reading!

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