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Alex's P.O.V:
I was running as fast as my legs would take me, and my heart was thumping extra-hard. The howling behind me got louder with every passing second, yet I didn't stop or give up.

On and on I ran, with no idea of how they didn't catch up to me till now. Suddenly, my foot hit a rock in the ground and I tripped over. When I glanced behind me, nearly 10 wolves were staring back greedily at me.

That's it. It's over. I'm surely a goner now.

Instantaneously, something cold as ice hit my face and I woke up with a start.

"What the-"

"You okay?"

"What are you talking about? Yes, I'm okay! What a lovely way to wake me up in the morning." I said sarcastically, lifting my self up in a sitting position.

"Well, you were mumbling in your sleep, saying, 'No, no, leave me alone, go away', and stuff like that. Not to mention, you were shivering badly."

Right then I noticed a jacket lying over me. "Thanks." I took it up and held out my arm inorder to give it to him.

"You know," he said as he took the jacket from me, "you need to learn to adjust your sleeping patterns, because this is unhealthy for you."

__         __

We walked for what seemed like ages, while he kept comforting me and telling me we took a shortcut and are nearly there.

Finally, when the sun was in the middle of the sky, the trees began to part, and buildings were coming into view.

"Finally! Civilisation!" I sighed with relief.

"Yup," he said, "and I'm going to get us some medical supplies incase of emergencies."

I stared at him. "If I were to know before I was going to be literally scarred for life, I would've stayed home."

Surprisingly, he smiled. "That's why I didn't tell you."

I ended up being left on a bench with orders of not going anywhere while he went to a pharmacy. Seriously, what am I? A little kid? Besides, I wanted to get some lady stuff by myself, but he assured me he will.

I decided to pass time by watching people and observing the place. My eyes fell on a person reading a newspaper a couple of inches away from my left. What was suspicious though, was that right when our eyes met his eyes widened with fear and he went back to reading trying to act as if nothing happened.

I cursed. How could they have reached us this quick? This was impossible!

I looked around and found two people in cloaks heading my way and looking straight into my eyes. I panicked. The newspaper guy had also left his newspaper and started heading towards me.

Instead of going to the pharmacy to warn Nick I decided to flee. We would be trapped if I went into the pharmacy, and they would capture Nick in addition to me. That was not an option.

I got up and immediately turned on my heels and starting sprinting. For the first time in forever, I really wished the area was more crowded. Only a few people here and there occupied the streets in the meantime.

I turned into an empty street and glanced behind me. No one could be seen. Not surprising anymore; they always seem to appear and disappear.

Nonetheless, I decided to hide a bit, so I took a turn into an alley, which,also no surprise, was a dead end. I was about to retrace my steps when a sound startled me. A chuckle of a young man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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