Leaving so soon?

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Alex's P.O.V:

"Here, this is the last one," Maggie said as she placed a bandage just over my eyebrows. She already treated most of my injuries with great care. My right shoulder felt better, now that it was held in the right position.

"Thank you so much!" I said gratefully. She gave me one of those kind smiles, "for what, dear, get better soon!

"Oh by the way, don't worry about your friend out there. By now, my husband should have taken care of him. Anyways, you should go to sleep now, it's getting late."

"Okay." I was glad she said that, I was feeling really exhausted.

I was in a small bedroom, green in colour. There was a white bed with beige covers, and a small table on its side. The floor was covered in a plain, brown mat, that I actually liked. The rest of the room was empty, not that there was much space. I don't like fancy stuff, which meant this room was ideal.

Not long after, I dozed off, and went into a deep sleep.

Nick's P.O.V:

"Where are we going?" I asked, while Alex continued sprinting ahead of me on the green forest bed. She didn't answer. "Wait up!" I shouted.

I lost sight of her for a moment before I accidentally ran into her. She was standing still, staring ahead, with a look of horror on her face. I followed her gaze to find 3 wild wolves growling at us. "Rouges," she mumbled. Wait, how did she know about them? There is no way she-

My thoughts were cut off when I noticed Alex no longer lingered by my side, instead, there was a grey wolf standing in fighting form, with the same baby blue eyes as hers. However, she didn't have the same look of fear like before, which was weird, and all I could do was stare. I was shocked. I was supposed to help her, but my legs were locked to the ground, unable to move. When did she learn about herself?

As quick as lightning, she jumped and snatched the neck of one of them, splattering blood all over the place. One of the rouges tried to backstab her but she was quick, she turned around and caught him with her claws. Then she finished her kill with her razor, sharp teeth. The third one escaped through the bush, which was good choice to make. The two unlucky rouges lay lifeless on the ground.

Unexpectantly, she turned to face me with a violent look in her eyes. "Alex?" I asked in a suspicious tone. She started advancing at me. I couldn't do anything, hurting her is not an option. She couldn't. She wouldn't kill me... Would she? Instantly, she made her jump at me, with her fangs wide open, aiming for the kill.

"Aleeeeeeeeeeex!" I screamed and closed my eyes.

I woke up seconds later gasping for breath, with little droplets of cold sweat falling down my face. That was such an awful dream... It actually made me wonder about what will happen when she finds out the truth.

I shrugged off my thoughts as I jumped off the bed and made it to the door. Surprisingly, it opened before I reached it. Maggie popped her head inside. "Awake already?" She asked. I gave her a lop-sided smile, "Just now I did," I said.

"The girl is still sleeping. She just doesn't wanna wake up! Is she always like that? I mean, is she a deep sleeper?"

"I have no idea," I answered truthfully.

She laughed. "Well, breakfast is ready, so get ready for it."

After an 'Okay' from me, she left me to my own thoughts. I leaned onto the door with my back and took a deep breath.

I can't believe this is all happening. Alex's brother left her for me to protect her... But so far it hasn't been such an easy task; I already got her injured, confused, and scared for her life. What's more, I'm afraid of what might happen when we get in contact with those people again. We have been lucky twice, but who knows what might happen next time.

I need to find them as soon as possible.

****** Time Skip******

"This is so delicious!" I mumbled, enjoying the food in front of me as much as I could. Who knows when I'll get to eat something like this again?

"Thank you, I'm glad you love it," Maggie beamed at me.

"Where is your friend?" Ben asked.

As if on cue, Alex entered into the kitchen, yawning loudly and scratching her head. "Mornin'," she groggily spoke.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I smirked, suppressing a laugh. "Too early for you to wake up, why not go back to sleep?"

She rolled her eyes at me, and sat down at the small table. Both Ben and Maggie said "Good morning," then went back to eating.

I cleared my throat to catch their attention. After stealing a glimpse at Alex's curious face, I said,"We are in quite a hurry to reach our destination, so I think it would be best for us to leave today afternoon."

"But-" Maggie started, but Ben cut her off. "Well, that is your own choice to make, but please understand, we do not mind your presence at all! And if you wish, you can drop by and visit us anytime, we would be glad to give you hospitality," he gave me a bright smile.

10 seconds later, Alex took her empty plate and placed it in the sink, before turning on the water and washing it. Then she left up the stairs to the room she stayed in last nigt.

"That was fast," Maggie whispered, looking really surprised.

"She has a big appetite," I chuckled, before finishing the last piece of omelette on my plate and placing it in the sink. Then I quickly headed up the stairs to her temporary room, and knocked on the door.

She didn't answer, so I just went in. I found her lying on her bed, with her eyes watching the ceiling intently, and she didn't even give me a glance.

"What's wrong?" I asked worryingly.

She finally turned to look at me. "Why did we runaway? I am not leaving this house till you tell me what is going on." She spoke with a straight face.

I sighed, knowing this was coming. I averted my gaze before speaking, "There are some people after us... Now I cannot tell you who or why, but you have to trust me when I say we had to do that, we had to get away."

She narrowed her eyes, probably trying to read my face. "So you're telling me I should just run with you for god-knows why, and risk my life with stunts like what we did earlier, and not even wanna know what's going on? It's not like if you tell me, I will escape from you."

I didn't answer. I watched her as she shook her head and went to the bathroom, silently closing the door behind her.

This is going to be awkward for a while.


No cliffhanger this time! Now I know this is not long enough to compensate for the time it took to upload, but it will have to do for now. I actually started this chapter weeks ago, but went through writer's block for a while. I just want to thank everyone still keeping up with my story! (: Oh and I wanted to say that I rarely take another look at the chapters before uploading, so there might be some mistakes here and there, but I'm planning to have it edited when I finish it.

Bye! xox

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