The Escape

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I woke up groaning because of the headache I was suffering. My throat was dry and my eyes felt heavy. Good thing today is Sunday and I don't have to go to school. Or else people would've kept nagging at me asking me if I was okay.

Removing the blankets from over me I went to take a bath. I filled the tub with hot water and just sank in. I accidentally napped for a while but then I got out and got changed.

I looked over at my phone and thought about calling Emma. The only friend I had. She helped a lot when I was depressed or utterly irritated from something. Right now, I was feeling both, so might as well call her and talk to her.

The battery of my phone was dead so I had to put it in the charger and wait for a while. Right when I opened it I found 5 missed calls and 10 messages all from Owen.

Oh yeah. I forgot all about him.

I touched open the phone log and re-dialled Owen. I didn't even bother to read his messages.

"Hello? Oh Alex! Finally you called back! I've been waiting an hour outside your house to take you to the hospital." Pfft, I should've told him earlier that I wasn't a light sleeper. "Uh.. Sorry, You didn't tell me though..." "Oh so that's why... You didn't see my messages then, right?"

"Yea... Anyways, Ill be there in a couple of minutes," I said before quickly hanging up with him to change into suitable clothes.

After dressing up in a blue jumper, black baggy jeans and putting on a black sneaker, I put my hair in a messy bun and headed downstairs.

After sneaking some crackers into my pockets, I got out and found Owen's familiar black Ferrari waiting just across the lawn. Owen was leaning on the car and when he saw me he said, "Good morning sleeping beauty. C'mon lets hurry up"


"Remind me again why am I doing this?" I asked.

Owen rolled his eyes and shook his head. "To check up on you and make sure you are okay."

"Don't worry, It'll be over soon," the nurse said for the 5th time. After feeling the needle come out for the second time and knowing it was the last time I was finally able to relax.

Owen wasn't surprised when I asked him to get us out of here fast. He probably knew that I wasn't feeling good. Must've seen it all over my face.

The drive home was silent, which wasn't Owen's normal thing. Normally he'd be chatting with me or even getting those hundreds of phone calls he usually gets. However, now, he just looks like he's thinking deeply about something. As for me, I didn't feel like speaking, I still felt a little shaky, and also I wouldn't know what to speak about. It wasn't like we were becoming friends or something.

Owen suddenly broke the silence. He said, "We're here." I wasn't concentrating on the road so I was quite surprised to find that I was home that quickly.

I got out of the car and walked to my house. That was NOT cool. Remind me next time to refuse any hospital offers from ANYONE again no matter how threatening their position might be.

I twisted the door knob and entered. Closing the door behind me. I started feeling an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomache. I was just starting to wonder why when I heard a crashing sound coming from the back door. I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

Quietly but quickly I started sneaking to the back door. A shadow of a person was on the floor picking pieces of what seemed like broken pieces of my precious vase. He suddenly turned as if he sensed I was here. I quickly turned on the light and pointed my knife towards him just to gape at him.

"Hey, WOW. Drop that! It's me!" He shouted.

Standing in front of me was my brother's friend.


~~~~.Time Skip.~~~~

"Sorry to point the knife at you but you scared me, and WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING creeping up on me like that?!"

Nick smiled at me. Nick was like a second brother to me. Always looking after me. He had dark chocolate hair like mine and green emerald eyes unlike my baby blue ones. He was wearing a plain green t-shirt with black jeans and black sneakers.

"Look there's no time to explain, you have to pack your things, we have to leave now!" I thought he was kidding at first but Nick had a serious look on his face that made me wonder if he was going crazy. He usually wasn't ever serious about anything.

"What are you talking about? And where should we go?" I asked. "I don't know yet but we have to hurry. Pack things that you would need when you go out camping. Go. NOW"

With a confused look on my face I hurried upstairs and started packing my backpack.
Flashlight. Jacket. Cap. Food tins. Map. Roll of string. First aid pack. And other stuff.

Just as I was about to place my phone in as well I heard Mark's voice behind me. "Don't take anything they can track you with." I slightly jumped when I heard him. Who's they? A question that I really wanted to ask him but he looked kind of occupied with some other thoughts. So I let him be.

"Done," I called after a while. "Alright, follow me," he said, as we turned around and headed downstairs, and out the back door.

"Can I get some explanation please?" I asked as we entered the first line of the forest trees. "Later," he answered, and then started running. "C'mon!" He called, and I followed.

After running in the forest for what seemed like 2 hours, we started jogging until the sun began setting down, and Nick finally decided to take a break. We have been following the river till now and we've crossed about a mile. Seems impossible but being the fastest kid in school it sure helped. While Nick seemed to be faster than me as well.

"Ugh..." I groaned as I lied down on the cosy bed of grass. I turned to face Nick who has also lied down beside me.

After a while, we gained our breathe and I was finally able to ask what I wanted. "So, can you explain all this, Nick?"

He sighed and looked over at me. "That Owen who you were with works for the government, and he has been chasing me and some of my other friends for some time." Nick looked at his hands as if to try and recall the events. "Why did he chase you?" I asked.

"The same reason he is currently after you. Didn't you wonder why he wanted to do these checkups on you? I stared at him, shocked at what he just said. "And how do you know this? I don't remember talking to you for a while."

"I followed you." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes on him, giving him an angry look.

Many questions were swirling inside my head causing me a headache, but the one that popped out most was this. "Why is he chasing us then?" I asked.

"I don't think I should be telling you that yet-" I cut him off by repeating the question again. "Why is he chasing us, I asked you." I said through gritted teeth.

He looked at me as if still hesitant to speak. I raised my eyebrows at him and urged him to talk.

"Because we're different. That's all I can tell you." And with that he stood up, turned his back to me, and headed off somewhere else, leaving me wondering what he meant by what he just said.

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