The Stunt

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Alex's P.O.V:

I woke up from my slumber with my head buried into the shoulder of someone. Fear dawned on me and I bolted upright to find out that the person was just Nick. I sighed in relief before I started blushing when I realised what happened. Nick was still asleep with his head resting on the window. His sleepy face was looked so innocent just like an angel's, and he actually looked kind of cute...


'SHUT UP' I thought to my self. The important thing is that we come out of all this alive and safe. I don't know anything about what's going on, but I trust Nick when he says I am in danger. It does sound convincing especially after coming in contact with the two gu-

"Take a picture; it'll last longer." I didn't realise I was staring before he said that. "Huh- oh it's not what you're thinking! I was just lost in thought..." I quickly answered when I came to my senses.

"Reeeeaaaallyyyyy?" Nick wiggled his eyebrows as my face heated up. He got closer until his face was a couple centimetres away from mine. By then my heart was beating out of my chest. He smirked at my reaction and returned back to his previous position while looking out the window. He really loves to act cheesy sometimes...

After a while his face turned serious and he turned to look back at me. "Alex, our stop is the one after the next. And I... I have a feeling that there's going to be a surprise waiting for us."

"So... What do we do?" I asked, surprised at the sudden words. "We can get off the next stop," Nick suggested, "I know if they check our tickets we might get into trouble but I have a really bad feeling that something wrong might happen if we continue to our stop."

I sighed. "I don't really know what to do anymore," I said glumly. That was when my stomach rumbled, "I really need fooooooood, that is one thing I know," I moaned. "Are you hungry, ma'am? I can get you some food," I heard a voice speak from behind me. I turned around to find a young woman with short brown hair, dressed in a white shirt which was neatly tucked in a black skirt. She was smiling down at me, politely waiting for me to say something.  "Uhhh... Yes please," I smiled back "Alright, but it's not for free just so you know," she chuckled and left to fetch the food.

"Umm... You do have money right?" I asked unsurely. "Yeah don't worry, I got all the money I saved in my whole life," he answered without taking his eyes off the window. Did I get him mad or something? I sometimes do that by accident to people when I act like a little child. Yes, I admit it.

A short while later, the woman came in with two plates and placed them on our table. My eyes lit up when I saw they were filled with noodles with meatballs scattered over them. Nick seemed to have a similar reaction, because he starting gobbling down the food as fast as he can. I soon followed.

When we were done we asked for seconds and the lady looked quite surprised but went to bring our order. There was still about an hour left for the next stop and I was hopeful that everything would be okay. Looking around the train to make sure no-one was watching us, I spotted four people sitting together and all of them were in lab coats. They were acting weird; they were holding notebooks while chatting together but from time to time they would steal a glance at me and go back to talking.

I poked at Nick and he turned around to face me. "Wha-" "There are four people in lab coats watching us," I told him. Suddenly his face turned white and his eyes widened. "Not good, not good, oh this is bad," he started mumbling. "Nick, what's wrong?"

"These guys... T-they look like scientists. This can't be happening." He shook his head but averted his gaze from them probably to avoid their noticing. "Aaaaaand? I'm kind of starting to worry over here," I placed my hand over his shoulder for comfort while tilting my head sideways, urging him to speak.

"We have to go now," he said ignoring my questioning look. "Nick, there is still 50 minutes till the next stop, go where? What's going on?"

"We're going to jump off the train," he said not at all looking nervous about it.

"WHAT?!" I asked in a whisper, thinking Nick was starting to go crazy. He grabbed my hand and stood up just as the lady came in with the food. "Sir, your foo-" "We're going to the bathroom," he quickly said and pulled me along with him. As we passed by the 'scientists' I could see them watching us in the corner of my eyes but I dared not to look.

We dashed through section after another until we reached a place which had me shaking. "N-n-nick, w-what are we...?" I was out of words. This guy was actually serious about what he said before. "No no no I can't do this," I was terrified by then.

He turned his head to look at me straight in the eye. "Trust me," he said with a determined face. I can't believe what I was going to do next, but if Nick believes they are THIS dangerous then I won't argue. I closed my eyes and nodded. When I opened them Nick was giving me really sweet smile, which I returned. My eyes wouldn't leave him even though I could sense he was opening the door.

The sudden wind sent chills running down my spine, however I still didn't look. Nick let go of my hand and hugged me instead. I was taken by surprise but I hugged him back tightly. Closing my eyes, I secretly wished Nick would never leave my side.

Just as the rail car door was starting to open, threatening with uninvited visitors...

Without even needing to count...

We jumped.


The story is starting to take a twist which I hadn't planned for and I might need to just slightly change the summary. Hopefully it won't need to be changed again xD The story is building up as I go on so not much is planned ahead. And again, please don't forget to vote or comment if you like!~ ^o^

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