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"I still feel wrong doing this," Bennett lifted his hands to remove the covering on the paintings in the corner but dropped them immediately. He'd been trying to look at them as Lisa suggested for hours now. 

"Okay this time for sure!" Bennett tried once again but the image of Razor's angry face popped up in his brain. He also thought about a sad and or a betrayed Razor. All of these expressions were very similar to the average person but for Bennett he could tell the finer aspects of Razor's facial muscles. 

Bennett closed his eyes and pulled off the sheet accidentally by slipping on it. His bad luck had worked in his favor this time. He rubbed his ass and opened his eyes to see the paintings. 

"They're...of me?" Bennett carefully moved a few to look at them all more carefully. There was one of him sleeping curled up into a ball clinging to Razor's giant wolf plushie with his shirt halfway up his body. It was a very gentle sleeping face. There was another one with his hands on his hips grinning with bandages on his face. And another one with his hand outstretched bending over, to help up (presumably) Razor who had fallen. The lighting behind Bennett's head looked a bit like a halo. The more Bennett moved through them the more the paintings turned less angelic and more sensual (or even a bit sexual). Paintings of Bennett freshly out of the shower with water trickling down his back. Paintings of Bennett sprawled out all over the bed unaware that his pajama pants were too small and clinging to his ass. 

"Is this what Razor thinks I look like?" Bennett's face flushed. "I don't look nearly as pretty or sexy as any of these! Is this what they call artistic liberty?"

"Bennett..." the door opened slightly and Razor stood. 

"Razor?!" Bennett stood up hastily and looked down at the paintings and then up at Razor again. "I'm sorry! I know you don't like anyone coming in here to look at your art but Lisa told me to and I got curious and then I saw myself and started thinking and I know this sounds really dumb but I'm sorry I really won't do it again so please don't be mad at me-" 


"Yes?" Bennett squeaked when Razor stepped forward, nearly pushing him up against the wall. He closed his eyes expecting Razor to do something but all Razor did was grab the sheet and cover the paintings again. 

"Not mad..." Razor squatted down. He hugged his knees and stared at the pile of paintings, now covered. "Sorry. Didn't mean to make creepy paintings of Bennett. Is Bennett mad?" Razor looked up at him. 

How do I tell my Lupical I love him? [RaNnett]Where stories live. Discover now