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Day 2...

"LIAM!" Liam slowly opened his eyes seeing two small figures hovering over him "LIAM WAKE THE HELL UP WE'RE STARVING!" liam looked over at the clock and saw it was 6:13 he rolled his eyes -kinda- and sat up on the bed "Alright head down stairs I'm gonna change into clean clothes then I'll give you boys food." He explained.

The boys left the room and headed down stairs and plopped onto the couch Niall grabbed the remote and started gazing through the channels finally stopping on 'iCarly' Harry snorted "Heey I like iCarly and you do too so shut the f-"

"Language bud" Liam made his way down stairs and then walked over to the kitchen.

"LaNgUaGe BuD" Niall mimicked in a high pitched voice.

"Do you want to eat or not?"


"That's right"



"Right" Niall sighed since things where getting a bit akward.

"Can we eat Toast? With orange juice?" Harry begged "Pleaseee!!!" He pouted his mouth and made puppy eyes looking at Liam.

"Sure thing Haz. Nialler? Do you want toast to or?"

"Toast is fine just no Orange juice cause I'm allergic" Niall said looking down at the remote -he hated having allergies especially oranges witch was in fact his favorite color-

"Oh thanks for letting me know" Liam looked down at him and gave him a small smile.

After breakfast...

"WHERE ARE MY SHOESSSSSS!!!!!!!" Harry shouted he was looking all over his room and he couldn't find them.

"THEIR ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO THE STAIRS" Finally Liam shouted back since he remembered seeing then their while walking upstairs. "Thanks!" He went down stairs to get his converse.

"Liam..." Niall said in a nervous voice

"What's up?" Liam said looking down at him while brushing his teeth, alot of toothpaste in his mouth.

"Uhm..H-how do you a-ask out a g-girl..?" He asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

Liam spat out the toothpaste from his mouth and if it was possible his eyes would've fallen out right at that moment. "What?" Was all that came out of Liams mouth.

"I- you know what forget about it mate..." Niall stormed off and went downstairs grabbing his shoes and slipping them on -he loved his vans-

"What's wrong Niall?" Asked Harry while putting books in his backpack.

"It's nothing" Niall looked up at him giving him a small -Forced- smile.

"Mate you don't just storm out of the room like that I barely even got to get more information about that question!" Liam said putting his shoes on then grabbing his car keys. "Well it's not that important any-" Liam cut him off pulling him into the dining room so they could talk privately without Harry hearing them...Well so they thought Harry walked to the corner not being in the room but close enough to here them talk.

"So what's her name?" Liam asked

"Her name is M-Mary" Niall blushed looking down at his feet.

"Is she in the same grade as you?"

"Yeah she is and I really like her" Niall smiled -A real smile this time-

"Ooo...I see you got a massive crush on this Mary...Mary?"

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